Chapter 3: Pick me up.

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Alex's POV

"ALEX" I heard Charlie call up the stairs "Dinner is ready." 

It wasn't very often that Charlie cooked for me, but his girlfriend Bryarly was staying with us for a while and i think he wanted to show off, plus i had been feeling a bit down recently and had become aware that my eating habits were dwindling down to nothingness.  I lazily pulled myself away from tumblr and the life scouts blog and ambled downstairs, making sure to thud around before entering the room to alert Bryarly and Charlie to my presence.  Scattered across the table were various bowls and plates full of different types of food, and i immediately realised we were having a full blown lamb roast, my favourite.  I sat down at the table opposite Charlie and Bryarly, who were grinning at me. 

"We thought you needed a pick-me-up, you've been a bit distant recently" Charlie muttered,

"Sorry, I just don't know what i'm doing at the moment, everything is so blurred" I replied

"It was never going to be easy, Alex.  Just remember everything happens for a reason" soothed Bryarly

It. It. By 'It' i presumed she was referring to my recent break-up. The problem was that it wasn't as hard as everyone thought it was, they all seemed to think i was hurting more than i was.  That was the reason i was distant, not because of how hard it was, but by how easy it was.  It just didn't seem right that i should feel this way, there was obviously something wrong with me. I thought it best i kept it to myself and so i shut myself away. 

"Thanks guys, it means a lot. I'll be fine soon, just got some thinking to do" 

"No problem, mate.  Anyway, dig in you've been staring at that lamb since you sat down" Charlie chortled.

2 hours later, Bryarly, Charlie and I, were in various positions and places in the living room, feeling full to the brim.  Charlie was on his laptop, Bryarly was flicking through channels on the TV, and I was on my ipad on twitter. I tweeted Carrie saying thanks for coming over this morning, no doubt that would spark some rumours and then as i was scrolling i glanced at a tweet from Carries brother Tom, recommending everyone watch a YouTube video.  If it was recommended by Tom it should be good so considering i had nothing else to do i clicked the link and ran off to get my headphones when i came down, both Charlie and Bryarly were staring at the screen, as i got closer i could hear the video.  It was a cover of 'When i was your man' by Bruno Mars, as i reached the sofa the video finished and Charlie handed me back the ipad.  "Sorry, it started playing and sounded so good" 

I let out an amused grunt, "That's OK, was it really that good?"

"Watch it, you won't expect it" 

"ooooo, Cryptic Charlie" We all laughed, then went back to our previous activities.

I plugged the headphones in and clicked play again. After a second a girl came on screen, she started speaking saying she had heard this cover and adored it and that she hoped that we would enjoy it. She spoke so well to the camera it was like she was speaking directly to me.  That is a skill few Youtubers have, even i knew Charlie and i struggled sometimes.  What happened next i couldn't have prepared myself for, she picked up her guitar and opened her mouth to sing.  

Half an hour later i felt a tap on my shoulder, "Alex, we're going to bed." i removed my headphones and glanced up at Charlie, who was looking between me and the screen. "How many times are you going to watch that video?" He said,

"I don't know and i don't care, i could listen to it forever.  I've never seen her on YouTube before but she is so good." I chuckled 

"There is definitely something about her" 

"Yer, definitely" I gazed at the screen and searched her face, wondering why and where she had been hiding that voice, scrap that, i wondered where she had been hiding full stop.

"OK, well don't stay up to late remember you have that meeting in the morning" Bryarly called

"Yes, Mum" i replied sarcastically "Night"

Once i had heard Charlie and Bryarly close their bedroom door, i went back to my screen.  Those eyes just drew me in as i clicked from video to video learning all about her, listening to her songs, her covers and then i came back to that original video.  I scrolled through the comments and saw Tom's comment  'This is an Incredible cover, you have an amazing voice. Watch this space ;)' .  I could not agree more, I scrolled through more comments of people saying how much they enjoyed it, and decided to comment myself.

 I rewrote my comment 20+ times, worried i was sounding top nerdy, too strange even too stalkerish, why was i so worried what i wrote i didn't even know her. I finally settled on one, which was both light and amusing 'Where have you been hiding? This is my new favourite version of this song, sorry Tom'.  I clicked enter, subscribed to her channel and dragged myself up to bed, as i lay there my thought went back to those eyes, that face and that voice.  Maizey, Maizey Jones...i wonder if she'll see my comment.  I wonder if she would reply.  I drifted slowly into a slumber feeling good about tomorrow and feeling the best i had in a long time. 

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