11 Bryson

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The way her eyes glistened in the light of the stars made my heart thump twice as much as it is supposed to. Hoping she doesn't hear it, I sigh in awe, "The stars are so beautiful."

She smiles, and I realize she is the brightest thing out here. Of course, the stars are shining bright, but that's not what I mean. The bright I am talking about is a beautiful bright. A bright that someone can see by just looking at your eyes. A bright that seems to take the fears and the darkness, tucks them away, and then comforts you with waves of warmth inside.

"But..." I turn to face her like she is facing me, "I have to admit... You look dazzling in the starlight."

Her green eyes twinkle with a spark of excitement, bringing a smile to form on my lips. I feel my face get heated when her own cheeks light up a cute color of pink.

It's tempting to kiss her... But I am afraid if I do, one of two things is doing to happen. One, she would bite me on accident. Or two, she would pull away because we've only known each other for a small amount of time. Honestly, I don't know her very well, but the lust she makes me feel is just so incredible that I can't shake the feeling away.

She seems to read my mind, and speaks softly, "It's ok."

"What?" I reply stupidly, brow furrowing.

She just responds with another smile, except this one is sexier. Her eyes lower and inspect my lips. And then I realize what she means. She means it is okay to kiss her...

I hesitate, but then wrap my arm around her, pulling her body towards me. By just touching her body, a thousand butterflies seem to enter my stomach and take on a whole new feeling. I ignore the butterflies when I feel her hand rest on my chest. I glance down at it, but can't seem to look away, as she slowly drags her arm up my body until it reaches my chin. She throws me a soft expression, and then leans in. I lean in too, shutting my eyes and preparing for a kiss.

Then, her soft lips brush up against mine, sending a comforting chill into my body. Then, I kiss her back, and another wave of lust rushes through my mind. I give in and just kiss her to my heart's content. She seems to feel the same way... Because after a few seconds, we both just let our mouths do what they want. Soon enough, my mouth is open and embracing her tongue that rubs against my lips.

After a couple seconds of that, I pull her closer to me, until every part of her is against me. The feeling is overwhelming, and I can't control it. I raise my arm until my hand is tangled up in her red hair, pushing her head against mine. My thoughts seem to disappear and my brain seems to go fuzzy, but I don't care. She seems to be enjoying the kiss too, because her hands are both on my neck now pulling my head towards hers.

We are kissing hard now, bathing in the light from the stars. The extravagant moment dissipates though, as she pulls back, and we both start gasping for air. I hadn't even realized I ran out of it, until she did. Her green eyes are filled with something I haven't seen in them before. A look that matches all of my feelings. Passion. Desire. Love. Excitement.

Her gorgeousness just adds to the want for more, but once we both catch our breaths, her expression changes and her mind seems to be elsewhere, "I... I am really tired..."

She leaves the roof quickly, climbing down the ladder before I can even blink. After I do blink though, the want I felt before takes over and forces me to follow her. Climbing down the ladder after her, taking step by step without hesitation, I reach the bottom in time to see her disappear into her house. I race after her, wanting to know what this was about.

Was she feeling what I felt, or was that just me? I ask myself as I walk into the dark house. No lights are turned on, and naturally, fear seems to seep into my mind and create a lump in my throat, permitting me from swallowing. When I see a light flicker on though, and Myth walk into her bedroom, I decide I am not letting her go that easily.

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