Calamity [Luke]

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The panic alarms were ringing loudly in your head as you looked down at the pregnancy test. Positive, how could it be fucking positive? Oh, that's right. You remember quite clearly how that could've come to be. Considering Luke and yourself had ever so quickly rushed to the bedroom after too much dirty talk for either of you to handle. Sex was the only way to solve that problem... Condomless sex. That was the worst choice you'd ever made as a couple. In fact, a condom wasn't in conversation; he just fucked you into tomorrow, quite literally. What the hell were you supposed to do?

The reason you'd had pregnancy suspicions were mainly because of the no period month and morning sickness. You always got sick when you had your period; so you assumed that's all the sickness due to was at first. Until weeks passed and you realised your period still hadn't made its ever so grim appearance. Luke wasn't even home for another several hours as he was busy recording in the studio with the others. You couldn't just stay in all day with this playing furiously on your mind. You needed some way of telling him the news when he got home without him having a near-death experience on you.

Deciding you needed to talk to someone about this, you rung up your closest friend Danielle. Surely, she'd know what to do, right? Not that she'd ever been in this situation before.

After the third ring she picked up, "Hey, y/n/, what's up dawg? I haven't seen you since the ice age occurred." Her always so wonderfully sarcastic voice filtered through the phone.

"Yeah, um, about that, would I be able to come round yours like now?" Your voice was somewhat frantic, and Danielle picked up on it.

"Of course you can, what's up?"

"I'll explain when I see you, be there soon." You hung up; worried that if you broke down to her on the phone she'd go mad with concern. Danielle always stressed a lot when you were upset, she hated when you were this way because she felt helpless with you living over the other side of town. Alas, she'd swim over oceans to help you if it ever had to come to that. You were like sisters, it was an almost perfect friendship.

Tears were flooding your face as you made your way to the car outside. Honestly, you looked a hot mess with your hair in a messy bun, and your sweatpants and sweater practically hanging off you. You let the harsh coldness attack you as soon as you walked out the front door of your apartment. You couldn't care less what temperature it was outside; you just wanted to be out of the house as soon as possible. Jumping into your car, you turned the heating right up and sat behind the steering wheel for a couple of minutes. Honestly, trying to drive whilst in this state was definitely not the best idea in the world.

Deciding to finally start the engine up, you pressed your foot down on the accelerator as soon as you were ready. You were still sobbing your heart out, but you couldn't wait any longer to go to Danielle's. You needed someone now; you couldn't wait until tonight to see Luke. This was burdening to heavy on you. You were absolutely petrified at the thought of potentially having a child. How could you look after another human being if you could barely look after yourself?

The road in front of you was unclear because of your foggy vision. The drive was an easy one for you, as you'd done it many times before. This time you overestimated the easy driving experience this road had given you in the past. You didn't notice the truck up ahead that was too far into the road from the junction until it was too late.

There was a shriek, metal crushing against each other... and then there was nothing. 

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