Waking Up

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     A/N: Alright, so I've had this begginning of this story sitting around for a while, so I just wanted to put it up here and if I get 5 comments, 15 reads, and 2 votes on this part, then I will put more up! Hope y'all like it!!! :) ~R.R.

     "Jarrod...," I wined. It was early, but Jarrod was already getting on my nerves. This time it was the age-old battle between us: My name.

     "Lizzie Lizzie Lizzie!" he taunted me playfully. I couldn't help but laugh.

     We were both tired and very loopy. He had to have me let him in my house at 3 AM because his parents were fighting again, so we had stayed up watching movies and talking to get his mind off of it. But when we get tired, no matter how much we love each other, we fight. But playfully. Usually.

      "Jarrod, we've gone over this. If you shorten my name, please make it Liz. But that's only if. You know I prefer Elizabeth!"

     "Fine," Jarrod gave in, and pretend pouted. "I love you," he said, accuenting each word with a kiss after.

     "I love you, too," I whispered in the darkness of the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of my alarm clock. The bright red numbers read '8:00'. "Ohmigod!" I screeched, jumping up from my bed, swaying a little.

     "What is it, babe?" Jarrod asked, concerned.

     "We're gonna be late! And I gotta get the kids up and...... Oh, God, we're gonna be late!" I said as I threw open my black curtains. Jarrod yelped as the bright June sun flooded my room.

     Jarrod and I work at the Titanic Museum in Branson, Missouri. I've been there since April 1, when my old job fired me and I desperately needed a new one. You see, my parents have the best technology and we live in a absolute grand house. But they don't feed us, or even clothe us. I provide for us. Yes, us. Me, the oldest at 16, Ethan, only 14, Bailey, who is 10, Lena, who is 6, and baby Noah, who is only 1 year old. Ethan is turning 15 in 2 months, and one of his friends' dad has already promised him a job at their bycicle shop. It won't be a lot, but it will help us. I hate to put it on him but...

     I've known Jarrod for years. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember. And when I didn't want to work at the museum alone, Jarrod came and applied with me and has them put half of his paycheck on mine every month, against my reuqests. He just says its in payment for letting him stay at my place so much. But we had to do more than we signed up for. I have to 'kiss' my best friend everyday. You know why? Because we are Jack and Rose actors. The museum uses us to get people to come in to the museum and talk with people, giving them the whole expierence. And it turned into something more. Jarrod and I have been 'an item' for 2 months now.

     Well, we work overtime as much as we can. We help open during the summer, close everyday, and its June. Its summer. So we go an hour before our shift starts to help open the georgous museum, which is 10:00. Which means we have an hour to get ready and get my little siblings ready before we had to leave for the museum.

     Jarrod jumped out of the bed and rifled through the container of clothes of his we keep here so he doesn't have to go home. Jarrod may just live 3 doors down, but when his parents fight, they fight until morning light and he can't just slip in and get clothes. So he pretty much lives here.  After he yanked on some jeans, we split up to wake up the kiddos. I get Lena and Bailey; Jarrod gets Noah and makes sure Ethan is awake. We meet down in the kitchen moments later, and I take a crying Noah from him while he makes breakfast for them. We almost raise the kids together like we're married. Sometimes it feels like we are. But we're not. Not at all.

     Soon, Ethan lumbered down the stairs and took Noah so I could go get ready. I rushed through my shower and makeup. I could always re-do my makeup at the museum. I quickly threw on sweats becuase I will change into my dress and corset at the museum. When I went back downstairs, Jarrod just threw me my keys. God, sometimes I just love him. Well, I do anyway, but... You know what I mean! He and Ethan had gotten the other three ready for the day. They make my life so much easier.

     Jarrod and I ran out the door to my car, and drove the speed limit to the museum. We didn't want to be late. Not by a long shot.

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