Chapter - four {Riley}

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I run off from James, crying, so he wants to be like my dad, then he'll have to put up with my tantrums, I hate him right now, never will I ever let him be with him

I try to surpass Daniel, I don't wanna date and I know he's looking for someone that can be more then a friend

I cry passing all of my friends hanging, Amanda, Stephanie, Thalia, Eldon, Max West, and Michelle. I am just, upset

"Riley" James says as I take his hand onto the dance floor with him, I wonder if its just being drunk right now?

We dance to the song called cool kids, he dips me in with a dive, (I don't know what its called) and then I run even more fast, I played with his little game, but I'm done with him

I honestly think I'm into Daniel a bit more after everything, that's happened tonight, I just feel like I can trust him better then anyone in my life

I think I wanna talk to him, I think its the bets thing to do at a time like this, I haven't even told anyone I'm leaving the studio

I keep ambulating away from James and towards Daniel with tears in my eyes from James, no matter what I think I hate James, and forever

I run towards Daniel and then hide from him and wait until he's looking away, and once he is, I walk towards him

"Hey Daniel?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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