Supervillians Tour

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I went to the Supervillians Tour on November 14th, 2015 at Alamo City Music Hall in San Antonio, Texas with my dad. I had VIP so I had to get there at three. My grandparents live close to the venue so we parked in their parking garage so we didn't have to pay for parking and they drove us over there. It was 3:20 when we started heading over there and of course, we got stopped by a train for about three minutes. 

They dropped us off at the venue and we got in the line for VIP. After about thirty minutes of waiting, the lead singer of Assuming We Survive, Adrian Estrella, was sitting on some steps at a building next to the venue. Fans kept running up to him, asking for a picture. I realized that that was the same guy that commented on my Instagram photo about the tour a month before. My dad held my spot in line while I went to go get a picture with him.

I walked up to him and asked for a picture. He said sure, stood up and hugged me while I took the picture. I thanked him and stood back in line. At about 4:00, they brought us onto the deck and has us wait there. Adrian returned and started up conversations with fans. At 4:30, they started marking the hands of minors, and scanning peoples tickets and VIP tickets, handing out the laminates that came with the VIP package. 

Finally at about 5:00, they started letting twenty people in at a time. I was worried that I was going to have to be the first person in a group of twenty because I hate being a leader or being the first person. One of the venue employees started counting out the next twenty and told the group of three in front of me they would be the last of that group and I would be leading the next group.

I got in at about 5:30 and luckily, there was still a group waiting in line so I wasn't technically the first person. I like to watch what other people do first so I know what is and what isn't okay. 

I handed my phone to the guy and walked up to the band. I only knew Ronnie, Ryan and Derek, I didn't know the two newest members, who I now know is Zakk and Christian. I got in between Ronnie and Christian, Zakk next to Christian and Ryan and Derek next to Ronnie. Ronnie wrapped his arm around me and we took the picture. I turned to Ronnie and asked for a hug, he said yes and I hugged him. I grabbed my phone, grabbed my signed poster and walked passed the stage to the concert area.

The only thing I like about this venue is that there is a balcony area off to the side with stools. I don't like being in the crowd and I don't like standing for long periods of time so this was perfect. Plus, I was above everyone so I could actually see the stage. I sat, waiting for about twenty minutes for general admission to be let in so my dad could join me since he didn't have VIP. I sat, listening to Assuming We Survive do their sound check.

This lady who was probably in her forties or fifties waddled over with one of the tables and put it next to me, dragging up a stool and sitting down. She had her twelve or so year old daughter or granddaughter with her. Adrian came by again and started talking to me and some girls sitting next to me. He gave us all high fives and told us to enjoy the show before leaving. 

Finally, general admission got let in and all the stools were taken so my dad didn't have anywhere to sit. I got $60 bucks from my dad to go buy merch. I got in the line for FIR which was about thirty or so people. I was in line for about ten minutes before getting up to the front. I bought a tour shirt and a shirt from Ronnie's clothing line that said 'Ronnie Radke and Chill'. I went back to my seat, which my dad had saved for me and watched Assuming We Survive perform. They were pretty good.

Next, Metro Station performed and the played Shake It Up. I hadn't gotten a chance to watch them perform at Warped Tour so I was so happy they were on this tour. They said that after their show they were going to be at their merch table so I went over but once I stood in line for about five minutes, it was announced you had to buy merch to meet them so I went back to my stool. I wasn't too upset since I had met them on Warped.

Attila was next and I have never liked Attila and I still don't. I'm just so glad I was not in that crowd because everyone was going crazy and I am positive I would have gotten injured. The lady next to me with the table had been taking pictures the entire night with her flash on, so I was getting blinded. I was also getting annoyed and I finally told my dad so he said if she did it during FIR, he would go tell someone.

Finally, FIR came on and she started taking pictures so my dad went to go get someone. They told him they would watch and sure enough, she took another picture so the guy came over and told her to turn off the flash and after she complained a bit, she stopped. Some girl in the crowd was sitting on someones shoulders, blocking my view. So, I got on my knees on my stool and was able to see over her. 

FIR was amazing as always. It was my seventh time seeing them live and I have never been disappointed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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