5: I pity you

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Miss Picket told us to get with our partners and i felt like shooting my self in the head. For some stupid reason i started to look around me and when me and Dallas made eye contact i felt so nervous ,but for no reason at all. Then he started to walk over to my desk and he sat down in the one next to mine. Now I'm really nervous. My cheeks were hot and my palms got all sweaty, it felt like all of my organs hand tightened up and I could't breath. And for the dumbest reason of all we hadn't broken eye contact.

"So Carey are you gonna stare at me all of class or are we gonna get something done?" Dallas said breaking the awkward tention between us.

I looked away as fast as I could and said "Well, yeah its like what I said i don't have to do my stalking in private"

He chuckled slightly, shook his head and said "Your really not gonna let that go are you Carey"

"why would I"

"Because it was a joke. Your supposed to laugh"

"If you want me to laugh then say something funny and worth my time and if not then can we just get done with this stupid project, so i don't have to look and or talk to you anymore." I don't know why I was being so rude, or why I was letting him get under my skin.

"Fine, were do you want to start" he said leaning back into his chair and looking at the script. The tone of his voice was quiet.

"were Romeo finds Juliet"

He nodded and then started to read out loud. The sound of his voice flowed so perfectly and the emotion in his eyes was something i had never seen before. I didn't want him to stop.

"Well" I herd braking my day dream.

"Hu, what"

"Read the next line"

"Oh right"

I felt so embarrassed. I was probably staring at his beautiful face and got lost in the calming way he spoke. I could feel my cheeks get hot as I read. All of a sudden the room felt really hot.

In the middle of reading the bell rang for my next class. Thank the Lord for that. I shoved my supplies in my bag and walk out of the room.

I went to my next class which was extremely boring. My teacher just goes on and on about her life and how it relates to the to what we are learning even though it has absolutely nothing to do with what we are supposed to be learning about. As boring as that was my next class was worse. My teacher noticed that i had gone to three different schools last year and asked why. I really didn't want to answer but he kept on assisting and I guess through frustration i blurted out "My mother killed her self and so I became a foster kid, now can you tell me why it was so important for you to know that because nobody really needs to, or wants to" Then I felt something hot and wet running down my face. Oh great I was crying. I hate crying I hate feeling peoples pity. I wanted to run and hide.

The class was silent and I finally got a hold of my self. Then the young teacher said "I'm sorry i made you bring that up i can see how you wouldn't want to"

Wouldn't want to, Wouldn't want to! Who would want to!? How messed up would you have to be to want to talk about my mothers death in public. What drug was this guy on. Regardless to what i thought of this man i kept quiet.

Class felt like what was forever and it was finally lunch. I sat by my self and stared to daydream and forget where I am. When some deiced to sit next to me and I didn't bother looking at them but i could tell who it was the moment they spoke. "Hey Carey I see you daydream a lot not just in class" it was Dallas.

I sighed and said still refusing to look at him, "What do you want Dallas?"

"Some would consider it rude to not look at some one when they talk to you"

"Then i guess i'm rude then"

"yeah you kinda are. Look Carey all i'm trin'a do is be your friend"

I chuckled lightly to my self and finally looked at him and said "Who said i ever wanted to be your friend?" and at the word 'your' i poked his chest.

"Some would consider the way your talking to me is playing hard to ge-"

I cut him off from his sentence because i knew what he was gonna say, and i got defensive because i guess i was playing hard to get. I finished his sentence with, "Some would say saying 'some would say' is annoying, so if you would be ever so kind and leave me alone that would be great." I regretted saying that. The truth was I didn't want him to go away I wanted him to keep making me laugh.

"fine" he said and started to get up.

"Dallas" i let out regretting that even more then what I said before.

He turned around and said "What Carey would you like to insult me some more"

Oh great there was no making anything up now I'm just going to have to tell the truth "No I was gonna say I did't mean that last part and you could sit back down, you know if you wanted to"

He looked at me and grinned. I had never seen anyone more satisfied in my entire life. Then he said "See Carey you care about me, at least a little bit."

He sat back down and I scowled. Before anyone could start up some conversation some one pulled away Dallas, and I recognized that annoying high pitched voice from any where, Meghan. "Daaalllllyyy what are you doing talking to" She gave me a dirty look and said "it."

I snorted. People like Meghan were easy to figure out. They look and speak down on people to give them self pride. For some reason they think that because they make people feel bad they look good, and to some people they do, but not to me.

"Did I say something funny fresh men" Meghan spit out.

I looked up from my script and said "Yeah you did, was I the only person who herd it?"

"What did I say then"

"You called me an 'it' as if it was suppose to insult me or make a point and it's kinda pathetic, like you have to point out my flaws just because you think it will cover up yours. I mean really its sad, really, how many people do you think actually like you?" At this point half of the cafeteria was listing. "No, non of them do they just follow you around because they don't want to be looked down upon, which is just stupid because you look down on them anyways, just like you look down on every one. I guess every one has there way of getting thru there problems, but your way is sad and I pity you. So call me what you want, But just know that it wont ever help your problem."

I walked away feeling pride, and all you here from the crowd was oohs and awes and people yelling "savage". I didn't mean to say all of that, but once I started I couldn't stop.

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