Goodbye Youtube, Hello Marriage!

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After the wedding had ended, Joey and I were on our way to France for the honeymoon, his idea of course. The day had been so long, so after doing what every loving couple does on their honeymoon, we headed straight to bed, sweaty and out of breath. While we laid in silence, listening to nothing but our hearts beating in unison, Joey whispered, his hot breath cascading across my bare chest. 

"Can we have children?"

His question caught me off guard, so i responded in the only way I knew how, with a joke.

"Haha, Joey, you do realize we cant physically have children. Aren't you a little old to have to have the birds and the bees talk?" I giggled.

Joey sat up, propping himself up on his elbow, his emerald green eyes piercing into mine like daggers.

"Oh shut up Shane. You know what I mean. I want to adopt!" His glare turned into a shy smile.

"Why not." I said, putting my arm behind my head and closing my eyes.

I make enough to support Joey, a baby, and myself, so why not? Joey grinned before kissing my cheek and laying his head back against my chest. The stubble on his jawline tickled my skin, feeling more like sandpaper than facial hair, but I didn't move. I felt his body tense, and he propped himself up again. This time, his eyes avoided my own. It was as if I myself could feel the lump in Joey's throat.

"Shane... I think you should quit YouTube..." His voice was gentle, sympathetic, but all I felt was the blood rush to my face, my blood began to boil. 

"WHAT?! ABANDON ALL MY FANS? ALL MY DREAMS?! I MAKE PEOPLE FEEL GOOD JOEY! HOW CAN I GIVE THAT UP!!!" I shouted, hostility pouring out of me like I was a faucet. 

"I know Shane," Joey's voice was soft, trying to calm me. "We're both so busy with it, and I'm on a contract. Plus you yourself are saying how bored you're getting with your videos. I can quit after my contract ends and you, or myself, can find a new job.." 

I couldn't believe what he was saying. Joey knows how important my viewers are to me. He knows how much of an outlet my channel has been for me over the years. I started making videos when I was a fat poor excuse of a kid, and I have gotten so far. This is all I've known. Who am I without my videos?

Joey's eyes stayed locked on mine, examining my face. Tears ran down his red cheeks, The hurt was deep in his expression, but I didn't know what to say. I just stared in utter disbelief. I never in a million years thought Joey would ask me to quit YouTube. I sighed, shrugging him off my chest before rolling out of bed and walking to the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me and turned on the shower, even though I had no intentions of taking one. I just let the hot water run, making the bathroom steam up before turning it off and sitting in silence, looking at my reflection. 


Children ran in every direction. They were all so adorable to me, but Joey was more picky. 

A beautiful little girl waddled over to us, her eyes wide and deep blue, like an ocean, you could almost see the tropical fish swimming within them. She had short, curly blonde hair that cascaded around her face in messy tresses. She was chewing on the tip of her thumb as she stared at us. We both smiled down at her, and from behind her back came a doll, that almost looked exactly like her. 

"Wanna play?" she said, her voice soft and tired. 

Joey let out the most girly giggle I've ever heard, before grabbing the doll and following the little girl over to a dollhouse to play. 

I decided to let them be while I walked around a little. Two boys that had been eyeing me since we arrived walked over smiling. They both had thick blond hair with random spirals throughout, it was more mousy than the little girls I had just met, but identical in curls. Their faces were worn down, bags under their eyes barely hid the broken spirits the boys tried to mask. Each of them had dimples and big olive colored eyes, you would've thought they were twins, if one of the boys didn't have a dimple on his cheek right below his eye, and the other didn't. 

"Hi." they said together. 

"Hello," I said, "what are your names?" 

"I'm Clayton." the tallest said.

"And I'm Daniel." The other replied. 

"Are you here to adopt someone? Boy or girl? Do you have a wife? what about pets?" they both asked the series of questions in unison. 

"Yes, I'm here to adopt. We are looking for a little girl, but that could change... I have a husband. I have a puppy and a kitten." I answered. 

They smiled at my response. 

"Oh... Well... If you decide Melanie, please take us with you.. She's our sister.." Clayton said. "nobody wants us, so they never choose Melanie."

"Which one is Melanie?" I asked smiling. 

They both pointed to where Joey was sitting at a big white wooden doll house. I watched him, his face so bright and happy as he played with the little girl, bouncing the barbie all around and giggling about fashion and how pretty the dolls hair was. I smiled to myself, and though for a moment I felt a ping of guilt, I had decided. 


Hey guys!!! So here is the new and improved updated of the Family Man story. I was originally @followmetoneverland but my account has been hacked and I can't get back on, so I had to make a new one. I hope my followers see it, and if you guys could spread the word that I got a new account that would be amazing. I miss my old stories very much.. I hope you enjoyed!!!

I will be updating WAY MORE OFTEN than my other account. !!!!

Thank you all my lovelies!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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Family Man (a shane dawson and Joey Graceffa Fanfiction, sequel.)Where stories live. Discover now