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Ross p.o.v

I walked into the house (they all live in the office)  to see a pink paper scrap on the floor

'What's this?'

It leads up the stairs and into Jins room

I knock,but the door was already open

I walk in and the paper scraps lead to the bathroom

I see Jin,on the floor,bleeding


He starts shuffling around but doesn't wake up

I start calling 911

I give all my info and hang up

"Jin hang in there the ambulance should be here in around 5 minutes"

"Ross.."he sounds faint"I need to tell you something"he puts his hand on my cheek"I love you"

I start crying"Jin,I love you too"

"Ross stop crying,you aren't as beautiful when you cry"

I hear sirens"Jin,there here"

They load Jin up on the board as i follow in the ambulance,shoving things in my bag,like our phones a camera headphones chargers clothes and muffin

I sit by Jin in the ambulance

"Are you his boyfriend?"

'Oh god what do I say?'

"Y-y-yes"I hesitantly say

"Ok sir"

They close the back doors and start driving away from the house

"Jin,I love you"I whisper into his ear



"Ross,what's going on?"

"We're in an ambulance"

He doesn't reply

I hug him lightly

"Ross,t-t-thank y-you"

"Jin I love you,I would do anything,also muffins here!"

"Hey muffin!"

Jin grabs muffin from me

We reach the hospital

I follow Jin into the room as I tell everyone what had happened

A hour later they let me see Jin

I run in,he's still holding muffin

Later,Adam,Alesa,Jess,and Barney are here

"What happened to Jin?"Adam asked

"The doctors say he lost a lot of blood"

Alesa covers her mouth"How did he lose the blood?"

"I found him in his bathroom,he had cuts along his arm"

"Is he gonna be okay?"Jess asks

"The doctors say he's going to be fine"

"Goods,we needs Jins hes very important this one"Barney says

"Aww he's holding muffin!"Adam says

I look over

Jins grip looks looser than before


It has been 2 hours already,everyone has left

I went by Jins side

And kissed him

I had then felt a hand grab my neck and pull me closer


I seperate to see Jin awake

"Jin!"I started crying

"Ross what's going on?"

"We're at the hospital"


"The doctors say you lost a lot of blood"

Jin sits there

"I have your phone if you want to check things"

"Thanks Ross"

He takes his phone from my hand

Jin p.o.v

Ross hands me my phone

I go through looking at Twitter

I see a lot of 'get well' and 'ily Jin get better soon' tweets

'I love my fans'

I saw one tweet that had captured my eye though

'He's not really in the hospital.Why does so much people believe him?Hes not even that big.You guys should watch other bigger people,not this load of shit'

I sat there I was about to cry

I guess Ross saw me crying

"What's wrong Jin?"

"I'm a big price of trash"
I threw my phone

"No you're not"

Ross hugged me then went to get my now slightly cracked phone

He was looking through my tweets

He looked out raged

He gave me my phone back and took out his

I while later my phone 'ding!'

I looked to see a tweet from Ross

'Hey back off,Jin isn't a piece of trash,also he's not in it for the money.He doesn't have to be big,people will still love no matter what size.but you aren't one of those people.i love Jin.If you do anything to hurt him,or anyone on Twitter I will find you'

I sat there in awe

I stood up

And went up on Ross's back and hugged him

I let go as he turned

I felt the moment was right so I kissed him

At that moment the gang walked in to see me and Ross kissing

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