Her eyes twinkled

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"Well, well... I haven't expected more of you.", she answered my questions in a horrible way. Her eyes twinkled like starlights falling, and she said, "Well this is the last time. This is where the roads diverge. Do you want to have your old life back? Or if you don't I will show you a path that no other can. You can either move forward, or you can stay with those girls that bully you." I glanced at her with shock, how does she know me so well? "Oh don't you worry dear, I've seen more. But you must choose before your time runs out. You don't have much longer. Anyway you could just go back, you would be safe back there." I glanced back, and realized I could just leave my past that killed me painfully. I wanted to leave it, but what about the good things? "Ahh, that's right. You're thinking about Mellie. Think about it.", she says, with her eyes twinkling even more. I stare at her in shock, "A-are you reading m-my thoughts?", I stammer. "Ha, dear. You don't understand do you? Just choose, either you find out or you don't, times' running out.", she tapped her bare wrist.. I think about, Mellie, I think about how good she has been to me. I can't go back, if I do..... There's no telling about how they would treat me for the next couple years. I look away from the mirror and look at the woman in the eyes, and say, "I'm leaving." She glances behind me at the mirror and nods at me, "Best regards to your friend." I stifle a sniff and I fall. She catches me but she is a wind, she carries me across the sky of a painted blue, purple, green, dark blue, and beautiful. She lands on a green hill and she puts me there, "Darlin' get some rest, you will need it. I will be back for a few minutes. I will be back darlin' don't you worry, my little sunshine." She lightly touches my head and I suddenly feel sleepy and drowsy. "Don't you fight it, sunshine", I hear her say, her voice starts to fade away, away from me. Sudden black blanks my vision of the real world.

"Krystalline?", I hear a voice calling my name. I open my eyes and I see no one there, it's a beautiful hallway passage and it's bright. "Krystalline?", I hear her again, but this time it's uncertain. I walk down the hallway and I see the the hallway split in half, and I look to the right and the left. It's still blank, "Krystalline?" Her voice is closer. I feel my body screaming that she is dangerous, what is so dangerous about the voice? She sounds young... I walk down the path on my left and I see a figure at the end of the hallway, "Krystalline?", her voice is fainter, and she isn't looking at me. She's looking at the window as if she was expecting me to follow her voice. My whole body is screaming that I should go, and turn back. I ignore my instincts and walk down the hallway. She turns around and I see her pale face, "Krystalline?" I walk closer and she looks up at me. She looks only five years old, how does she know my name? I watched closely, I find out her lips don't move, "Krystalline". A tear, drops from her eyes down her cheek and she doesn't make a sound. She mouths, 'I'm so sorry'. And I realize that something was behind me, my body freezes in shock and I slowly start to feel my heart rate speed up. "Krystalline?", this time the voice doesn't sound as pleasant. I turn around and face a seven foot man, he has a long dark scar on his face. Starting from the side of his right eye, down to the corner of his mouth. His face is mostly dark and I can't define what his face looks like, but I can see his eyes. There are no color in them. The only color I see is a dark black eye. "Krystalline", his voice is dark and hollow. "I'm glad to see you. Now, where were we?" He grabs me by my neck and lifts me up. I start to feel the oxygen fading away from me. I choke and gasp for air, "Krystalline, we have business to finish, remember me?" I grasp for my neck, only to find that I was grasping air. I look down and see that my body was vanishing. "Times' running out, Krystalline.", he glances at me with his dark black eyes. I close my eyes and I await for my death.

I open my eyes and gasp in shock, and find myself safe on the hill, again. "Dearie, are you alright?", the woman is on my right, sitting down and sewing something. I look at her and I pause to take a breath and relax. "Yes, I am alright.", I reply, slowly, trying to make my heart slow down. "I am", I say again, when I see her face turn uncertain. She relaxes her face and says, "Well darling, I think it's time to introduce ourselves." She clears her throat and says, "I'm Juno. Normally called, 'Juno the Warner'. Oh god.. I think I'm hallucinating, I look at her one more time. "You don't look like her.", was my answer. "Oh, dear.. I don't obviously because if I expose my true form. You could burn to death. And I don't think you really want that to happen, now do we?" I look at her one more time to influence myself that I saw her correctly. She shifted to a form of a woman form with a animal skin around her. She looked a lot younger. "Now, this is my usual form. I don't really use the old woman." "Yes, well. My name is Krystalline, and I'm sorry about not believing you were even a goddess.", I apoligize and I look at her young beautiful eyes. "Yes, of course. I get along with humans but I prefer not to. I only appear to them when I need to warn them or if they are a hero." "I look at myself, and I laugh a little. "Heroes? You believe that I am a hero?", I laugh a little more. Then, she looks at me like she regretted taking me out of my old life. "Yes, you are. Time is running out and I must explain things to you as quickly as possible." I sigh, things never get better, do they? My life keeps on moving forward even if I don't want it to. I look down at my feet and glare at it, as if it would help anything. "Hey sweetheart, don't worry. Things will get better but right now we don't have enough time to look back into the past and regret them." I look at her and remembered Mellie, and sobbed a little. I sniffed and smiled, "You are right." I stand up and brush off the excess grass on my pants and she hands out her hands for me. I grab them, in a sudden time we were blown across time as if it was quick motion, I noticed that we weren't just moving into a different time but also a different place.. She stopped moving forward into time and I found out that I was in Camp Half-Blood. I figured that since the camp looked like a strawberry field..... Well, I'm not the only one who reads the Percy Jackson books, am I? Just then I look at the goddess but she isn't there.

A voice in my head screams GET OUT OF HERE!! I gasp and stumble backwards, apparently people that were inside the border of the strawberry field could see anything outside the field. Because people ran out of the magical border and started making their way to me. One of them had dark green eyes that reminded me of the ocean, and seaweed, I laughed at my thought, BEWARE THESE PEOPLE!!, the voice screamed almost making me fall. The boy that had seaweed eyes looked at me and said, "Hello, I'm Percy Jackson." And that's all I remember, but that was only day one, reader.

I woke up in a beautiful bluish whitish room and I found myself in a bed, it was really white, it had enough white for me to think I was in a hospital. I glance around me, trying to adjust to my surroundings only to find a nurse dabbing my head with a towel, she didn't seem to notice my eyes were open. Probably my eyes look big because my eyes felt really swollen, I try to lift my hand but I can't, what is happening? I can't just let all the actions happen outside of this creepy hospital room! I'm a prisoner here! Percy opened the door and entered, he probably saw my eyes wide open because he told the women to leave. While the woman made her way out she stumbled and almost fell. I look at Percy and ask him with my thoughts.. "She's alright, she just has some problems with her eyesight. If the prophecy for her is correct she will gain her sight back, and I believe you are on an very important prophecy, more important than a blind woman's prophecy." I push aside my blankets and I feel the rush of the cold air and shiver. Stumbling out of bed I finally regained my balance leaning on the desk aside the bed, I asked him,"Did you even expect me?" He looks at me,"Yes, Hera. Also, known, as 'Juno the Warner', warned us about you coming to camp because you are different, you are dangerous. And obviously," his tone changed into anger," she told you about herself as if she was the 'Queen'." I chuckle a little, "A queen? She acted as if I was more important. To be honest she doesn't look like anything." Percy glanced at me, " Don't despise her, she seems nice but if you are mean to her, she makes you count every strand of hair she has." Staring at him, I regret thinking that she wasn't worth a thing. "You sound like you did it before, did you?" "No, well, technically I did but no not really. Speaking of Hera's punishments you might want to meet Jason Grace." Oh my.... God!!! I never actually planned on meeting Jason GRACE!! Well I mean we all know that he is the son of Zeus and all that but a match for the famous Percy Jackson? Well..... I'm pretty sure he looks nice, in a way..... I glance over to where Percy was pointing to me and talking to another boy. I stared at the boy, God no wonder why girls like him. I laugh to myself he already has a girlfriend called Piper, she's probably pretty enough to catch his attention. He laughs to something to what Percy says, they act like bros. "Hey.", a girl walks up behind me and grins, "He is handsome, yeah?" I look at her carefully, she looked really pretty. She had a beautiful deep pink color on her lips. Her eyes were big and not to big to be ridiculously big. And her nose was nicely straight but enough to look natural. She looked like a Barbie made alive but in a natural and beautiful way not a creepy fake looking doll. The was one thing that I was sure about she was beautiful. "Hey, you haven't left me?", her perfect lips said. I knew that I was jealous. But before I could say anything, Percy and his friend came over. "Hey, this is Piper, Piper this is......" He lost track and he looked at me for help, "Krystalline", I say. He raises his eyebrows and repeats himself and he introduces me and his friend which apparently was Jason. Jason nods his head at me and holds out his hand, "Might not be a proper way of meeting a new girl but hello and welcome to Camp Half-Blood and enjoy your stay." I smile and Piper interrupts, clearing her throat. "Well I believe you've met the important people but now you NEED to see the most important people." She yanks my hand and she smiles at me. She brushes aside her perfect curled hair and she starts talking like a speech, "My name is Piper and I am going to give a tour to you!" She smiles and laughs, I laugh with her. Maybe I was wrong about the 'not liking' her, part. We walk past different camps but each camp represents a specific goddess or god. She points to the camp that has people betting on love and dressed up beautifully rather than in their casual clothes, "Thus, the camp that you see. Is my mother, Aphrodite, the goddess of love. By tonight, we will be by the campfire and we will introduce you to the camp. And by then we shall know who is your parents." I glance at the nearby camp, it was very dark and blue. Obviously it was Artemis and plus the camp was empty. It sent shivers up my spine. I felt a warm hand touch my back, "You alright? You seem kind of pale, I know it's a lot of stuff to take in on the first day.", she looks at me with concern. I shake off her hand and say, " I'm totally fine!" To shake off her comment I rush forward forcing her to run to catch up. I found out a couple minutes later that Piper was trying to lead me to the camp of Athena.

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