Chapter 1 • Made into a Maid

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Present day - 8 years later

I walk up the cramped spiral staircase, the cold stone floor penetrating through the thin soles of my slippers. My back aches from hauling these two extremely heavy buckets of water, but I carry them all the way up nonetheless. Reaching the wooden door, I push it open with my other arm and sunlight shines into my eyes.

"I'm back!" I exclaim, out of breath.

One of my closest friends turns around. She smiles, her eyes wrinkling, "Old and tired like me already?"

I laugh, "Maid, don't call yourself old." I walk over and put the buckets down beside the bathtub and cauldron.

Looking at Maid in this lighting, her wrinkles appear more evident and she looks 10 years older than she really is. All the hard work has really gotten to her I suppose.

"You're lucky you're still at the spry age of 14 my dear princess," Maid smiles.

My smile falters as I pour the buckets of water into the cauldron. "You know I'm not longer princess."

"You still are to me."

"Oh Maid..." I quickly change the subject. "Is your name truly Maid? I mean, it's kind of interesting since... you're a maid." I heave the cauldron over to the fireplace and place it above the fire to warm the water.

She laughs, "Oh, Maid is just close to my real name. Besides it's better you don't know my real name anyways."

I wipe my wet hands on my apron, not questioning her further. Walking over to her, I help Maid up from scrubbing the floors. She's a bit taller than me, but I've been growing fast recently. Most of my rags don't fit me anymore. "Thank you Snow," she smiles fondly at me and tugs on my short hair. "You have such beautiful hair. Why don't you grow it out?"

We walk down the stone stairs. "Oh, Gabrielle doesn't allow me to have long hair. She'll make me cut it. Speaking of Gabrielle," we land in the hallway, "I have to go fetch her for her bath."

"You go do that honey," Maid pats my shoulder then waves goodbye to me as I start in the direction of Gabrielle's chambers.

I pad down the hallway, nodding to a few servants as they walked past. Most of the servants here don't even know I am the true heir to the throne. After Father's death, Gabrielle fired all the servants with the excuse that they were responsible for my Father's fatal sickness. Since I hadn't gone out much after Father's death, most of Tangled-Rose's citizens weren't sure about what happened to me. I'm not too sure what Gabrielle told the public, but I know no one recognizes me anymore.

I arrive at Gabrielle's door and after adjusting my rags, I knock.

"Come in," a voice calls out pompously.

I slowly walk in and glance around the dark room. My nose wrinkles as the smell of sour herbs reach my nose. In the corner I see Gabrielle adjusting her collar and admiring herself in the mirror. She was wearing an opulent flowing dress of midnight blues and twilight violets, gems glittering with every turn of her body.

Self-consciously, I straighten my apron and say, "Your bath is ready Gabrielle."

She turned sharply and glared at me. "I told you, only refer to me as Queen Gabrielle."

More like Evil Queen Gabrielle, I bite back the comment. Instead, I say out loud, "I apologize, Queen Gabrielle."

Gabrielle smiles smugly, "Good." She turns around and looks at herself in the mirror, twisting.

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