chapter 6:Patrick left Stumped

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Phil's POV

What is that annoying sound?
Seriously what is that?
I hit the button to turn it off.
I fell off the bed as I rolled over.

"Phil, are you okay, I heard a thud?!" A voice says from my door. Before I can answer, Dan is picking me off the floor. He embraces me into a warm hug.

"Are you hurt? How did you fall? Do I need to call in a medic?"

"Daniel, I'm fine. Please calm down. I probably rolled off the bed trying to turn off the alarm."

He just holds me there for a minute then pulls away and kisses my forehead.

"I love you," he says pulling away. My heart flutters a bit when I hear that.

"I love you, too. Let's go get some breakfast."


"Phil, quit eating my cereal. You know I can see you, I'm sitting right here!"

I slowly retract my spoon from his bowl and stuff the shreddies in my mouth. I don't know why I don't just get my own. The box is right there.

"But yours tastes better."

"Phil, it's the same cereal."

Patrick walked in and dropped a stack of papers on the table. He sat down, took off his Fedora and rubbed his head.

"Well, today's the day, guys. Just know that no matter what, I'm proud of you."

Dan and I look at each other confused. I finally speak up, "Patrick, this is just a performance. All they do is rate us based on our skills. This isn't the actual games."

He stays silent and scratches his head.

"You may not be in the arena, but the games have already begun. They began the moment your names were put into that overly shiny glass bowl. In just a few minutes, you will be asked to prove your worth to bloodthirsty judges who will send your scores to an announcer who will share it to all of Phanem who will decide whether they think that number is worth investing their money in. Their money can be the difference between life or death. Now do you understand?"

I don't think I've seen Patrick this stressed. It's scaring me. Now I'm nervous. This won't be good.


Dan and I wait in a room until we are called. Neither of us know what to expect. He's going to do great, he has muscle and agility (A/N lol Dan? Muscle? He probably ran out of breath while walking to this room) but all I have is... What do I have? I'm too small and tiny. I've never shot a bow and arrow, I don't know how to use weapons. I barely know how to tie my shoe let alone start a fire or tie a knot. My survival skills are nil, so what am I going to do?

There's a hand on my shoulder.

"You're going to do fine, quit worrying. I believe in you."

Dan looked at me with a gleam in his eye. I leaned in and we kissed for a few moments before a voice came over an intercom.

"Daniel Howell, we are ready for you."

He looks back at me and blows a kiss before walking into the presentation room. I was now alone.

***time skip brought to you by Sherlock's deer stalker***

"Philip Lester, we are ready for you."

I walk through the door. There are weapons at different stations, ropes, camouflage gear, anything one would need to survive. All I had to do was show them I knew how to use them. I look up to the observation room. It looks more like a small book room. A few important-looking men sit and talk around a table, laughing and ignoring the world. A few servants work in the background, preparing their lunch. Only one man sits alone, close to the edge. He holds a cup of tea but takes no sip of it, just watches.

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