New Story Part (Contest)Bonus Chapter: Behind the Ashes

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{Twenty-five years ago}

Summer: June

The music poured from all places, a mixture of live music with an orchestra, and dancers, to a laptop and its connected system of beats. From the long englossed venues with crowds, lights and a roof made of hanging umbrellas. All leading to the sparkling reception with food stalls, bars and the hosting commemorates. 

It was summer, in the Assembly's Rooms of London. It was the raising event of the season. All proceedings in support of vulnerable children across the UK and the Channel Islands.  

The events of the summer couldn't have been done better, the venues were transported and transformed into a world of the 15th century.

The most prestigious ones, allowed to celebrate in almost nudity, and classy attire. But with the feature of being this Ball, and all faces looked across faces with hidden profiles under the gloom of masks. And in the passage of time and that place two lives were marked.

There he was, standing by one of the entrances of the venues, a young good-looking fellow. Tall, lean, dark skin, golden eyes; and a boyish aspect of countless of troubled nights and dreams. Escaping. At least for one night. 

Wearing a new, smooth, classy rented suit, a bowtie, branded shoes, and in his hands, the crimson mask. 

It was all ready. The young man smiled, flashing his pearl a like bright teeth, and turned to look at his friends. 

He did not know much of life. He was about to. He was just running with it. Fearless through time.

It started with one beer. A couple of hours later he was walking, stumbling across the lonely alleys of Bath, England. 

The boy barely could see his footsteps. And his fingers as he struggled to turn on his cigerrate. 

He leaned against one of the buildings sliding down to the sidewalk. But soon he managed to stand up again. A group of people ran past him, yelling something on the way. There was laughter. Madness. They were heading from the party. 

Then a couple sneaked out, and were making out in front of him. He waved his hand, his cigarette unlit, pathetically on his mouth.

"Noah?" One of the girls recognized him, meanwhile the other one, stared dumbfounded. 

"Help me out?" He barely could stand any longer. 

"Sorry Noah. We're busy, we'll find another alley..." 

Noah closed his eyes, laughing at himself. He had traveled all the way from north America with his friends to London. And he had forgotten his lighter. 

And it was no fun, being left alone, drunk.

Soon after that encounter, another person crossed his path. A tall figure, with baggy clothes, and beard. 

The man just stared for a minute. Noah stared back, his mind in a buzz of what to do, he could feel the danger, but also the alcohol fuzzing his thoughts. The cigarette was still on his mouth. 

"Hey. You happen to have a lighter?" Noah let out, and the man took his time but offered him a pack of matches.

After Noah, turned on his cigarette, he searched the pockets of his suit for his cigarettes. And he offered some to the stranger. 

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