Chapter 4

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I press my hand against the glass door and push.

The warmth of the cafe in contrast to the outside air makes my skin tingle.

I have surrounded myself in a group of white girls and hipster-wannabes. How does that go, "We're so original, we're all the same." Laptop keyboards click and book pages rustle as they turn. Oversized headphones make probably unnecessary oversized glasses push against faces in an almost comical way.

And to think, I'm about to be associated with this lot.

I sit at a table near the window, immediately regretting being so easily visible to passersby.


He's late.


I don't even know his name. 

I open my laptop and log on to 12 more likes on chapter 9 of my latest fanfiction. I click the 'add new chapter' tab and begin to type. 

My fingers dance across the keys pounding out a beautifully chaotic rhythm.

 The stark white page begins to fill with dark letters,

 forming words,

 forming phrases, 

forming inspiration.

I  neglect feeling the passage of time. It could have been years, or could have been minutes and I wouldn't have noticed. Sentences pour out of me before I can process them. 

Before I can imagine them.

 I'm in a spastic cycle of writing furiously and pausing to catch myself from the wonderful (and at times wonderfully horrible) situations I have put my characters in. 

I hear breathing. I feel warm air dance across the back of my neck.

I slam my laptop shut and wonder how long he has been standing over me. 

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