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Sal is the oldest in the twins.
Sev is Sal's twin brother.
Shika is the youngest child.

Eh hem!

Salvatorio, or a.k.a Sal.
Is the son of Eduardo from Pirates in Love.


Sevrin, a.k.a Sev.
Is the son of Ishigami Hideki from My Sweet Bodyguard or Her Love In The Force.


Shika is........ belongs to both Eduardo and Hideki.....
Ok, this is getting complicated.
In the S Family, Shiki has two husbands.
One is Eduardo, and the other is, Hideki.

Both of them, respectfully, have their own story in the group account.

Eduardo x Shiki
Cherry Blossom Blooms

All can be found in S Family account, (I don't know why I can't tag them when I'm following them... oh, wait... let me check it first...) @S-family and there are lots of stories there.

Such as.....

Time Boils The Rain
Kimiko x Issei
Prince's Love
Kana & Aika

So I hope that this story (eventually it's gonna be a comedy) which we had talked about in the group, will make you laugh!


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