My Dream

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I first was in pitch blackness. I was freacked out and tried to move to wake myself but I couldn't get going or feel myself. I was numb. I felt paralized. There was a huge force that was holding me downward. I couldn't even open my eyes let alone breath. A heavy darkness closed up my lungs and I heard a scream and relized that it was me. I couldn't think I laid there and felt my brain swell up. I said my goodbyes to Matt and my father with the last of my brain's strength I love them. I stayed there for a few more seconds when I concluded this what death is like. Then struggleing one more time I gave up and passed out into a frightful dream.

I was alone in a extensive clear tank. All around me was a plane white. A new kind of angst entered my conscience. I felt my senses sharpen. I decided it wasn't helping just standing there so I walked the perimeter. The silence was maddening but, I couldn't bring myself to make a noise. I walked around a few times finding there was nothing there to look at I gave up and sat with my back against the glass. I sat staring off into the ongoing whiteness. I pondered on what this may be. Is it heaven? Is this the judgment hall? Is this what unconsciesness looks like?

 I walked around the edges once more and this time I noticed a huge stone wedged into the glass. I was certain that wasn't there before. Strange. I was lost in thought when I heard a bing. I turned and say a small speck on the other side of the big container. I did what any one else would when they hadn't seen anything in like an hour,

I ran. I sprinted until my feet hurt but, it seemed the more I ran the farther it got from me. I tried walking it got smaller and smaller. This wasn't right. It should be getting closer. Am I going insane? No I know what I see and what should be true there is something wrong with this. What should I do.  I couldn't even see it the spot anymore.


I got it! Like a spark to a flame I thought of the brillaint idea to walk away from it. This very well may be the most dunb idea I have ever come up with but I am desperate. My reasoning was that if it gets farther away when I go twords it then I must go away in order for it to come closer. So I tried. I took a step. The dot came into view. I jogged the dot was acually a box.

That was enough for me so I bolted across the vessle. sure enough the box became more and more detailed. Two prongs came out of of the top in a "V" shape and buttons came into view.

"Thank you LORD!" I said aloud.

Which startled me. I forgot what my voice sounded like.

I finally got to the object. Not without beads of sweat dripping down my forehead though. I felt sticky and humid. There was no dout that I needed to work out more.

I sat and looked at the thing. I studied it. Buttons, anntenias, small screen...  I focoused on the buttons. Tunning, volume and FM along with AM!

This was a radio! I clicked the AM button because I figured I may be able to get info on what was happening at home. Apart from where ever I was now.

There was a lot of static and mubbleing.

Go figures. I'll never get reception out here.

I picked it up and chucked it across the space in frustration.

I told myself I would hate radios and run more often if I ever got back to my house again.It wasn't a huge deal considering that I probably wasn't going to see my room or brother ever again.

Gosh why did I have to go when I had just made a promise to my brother? It's like, ya trust me with a perfect life and then I will ditch you instead so you have to find one now! Tough luck! See you!


cruchh cruchh fuuutch fuuutch

Samantha? Are you there sweety it's your mother!

This must be heaven.


Honey I hope you are listening cause I will only say this once.

"MOM! IT'S ME I AM LISTENING!" I screamed.

I wasn't about to lose her.

Ok be the girl i know you are and

cruchh cruchh

okay? Don't be afraid. Let your brother know and bring him with you.


Tears were streaming down my cheeks and I ran I don't know where I was going I just ran I screamed and hollered for her trying to find her trying to see her face.


Her voice stopped.

"mom." I wimpered.

I laid there crying. I didn't want it anymore I couldn't take it. I just let the tears fall. For so long I wanted to see her and for so long I hadn't. It was so close. So real. I heard her voice but couldn't see her why?

Very quickly the tank shrank. I needed air. But, I didn't care all I wanted was gone.


I was closed of and I barley choked out,

"I love you too."

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