
41 1 3

1.) [t] [e] [n] [h] [o] [r] [s] [e] [s]

2.) A mushroom

3.)When he's trapped in quicksand

4.) A Watermelon

5.) Meat

6.) A mushroom (again)

7.) A secret

8.) A preacher

9.) Stop Imagining

10.) A cold

11.) At first, there were 2 pears on the tree. After the wind blew, one pear fell on the ground. So there where no pears on the tree and there were no pears on the ground.

12.) Pour the lentils into the innkeeper's sack, bind it and turn inside out. Pour in the peas. Then unbind the sack a pour the lentils back to your sack.

13.) If the tide is raising water, then it is raising the ship on water, too. So water will reach still the first rung.

14.) This is a nice nonsense. Each guest paid $9 because they gave $30 and they were given back $3. The manager got $25 and the difference ($2) has the bellboy. So it is nonsense to add the $2 to the $27, since the bellboy kept the $2.

15.) Of course, it is impossible. Into the second room should have gone the 2nd guest, because the 13th guest was waiting in room number 1.

16.) The two babies are two of a set of triplets.

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