Carl Grimes: Alone

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A banging sound gradually awoke you, you frowned not realising what the sound was as you sat up in the car you had taken refuge in. You yawned lightly the fog of sleep slowly washing over you as the banging sound became faster, you turned your head to look out the window to your left. Suddenly the snarling face of a walker appeared scratching and clawing at the glass. It made you jump but successfully washed the haze of sleep away in an instant.

You rolled your window down and waited for the walked to attempt to bite and claw at the opening. You raised your knife and waited until you had a clean shot at its head. You stabbed it hard and removed you knife before watching the walked crumple down onto the ground. You looked out the different windows of the car to see if it had attracted any of the other undead.

Once you were satisfied that you wouldn't be ambushed the moment you left the car you gathered your things and left the car. You had been walking down the same road for the past week, you weren't sure where you were heading but you knew what you were running from.

You had been happily perched in a tree admiring the view of the countryside eating a can of peaches when something caught your eye. It looked a little like a dust cloud to begin with but as you had strained you eyes a little you saw what was creating the dust. It was a herd of walkers but not like one that you had ever seen. It was huge, more like a walker migration heading west. You had scrambled down the tree so quickly that you had almost fallen multiple times before you sprinted into the treeline heading away from the walkers as fast as you could. And you had been walking ever since trying to do your best to stay ahead of them slowly moving south heading out of its way.

You had been walking for the best part of a day when you came across a plain black lorry parked at the side of the road, you knew that finding shelter after dark were very slim so you decided that this was your best option. Walking to the front of the truck you noticed that the door was open and dried blood and what was left of a person was scattered over the inside of the cab, sighing you closed the door quietly and glanced down the road that you had just walked down coming round the corner just in sight was some walkers a herd well there's no other option now you thought not going to risk opening it and causing a distraction so you climbed the side of the lorry and hurled yourself onto the roof rolling carefully onto your front you looked back down the road you had come from and you saw a very large heard of walkers heading straight for you. It wasn't the large one that you had been running from, but it was still too many to outrun. You watched from you position one the lorry until the walkers were far enough down the road that their groans could no longer be heard until you dared to move as you shuffled around to try and find a more comfortable position you heard a car. Spinning quickly, you saw a car following a motorbike slowly making its way up the road towards you.

You pressed your body to the roof of the lorry trying to make yourself a small as possible so you wouldn't be seen by the people. You prayed they would just keep on driving, but the car pulled closer and its ignition turned off and car door slammed. You hear voices.

"This is the furthest we have come from the prison so far, Glenn saw this lorry on a scout around about a week ago he said it's got a few crates of energy bars and other essentials, but it won't start..."

You stopped listening and slowly crept as quietly as possible to the far side of the lorry you peered over it was quite a jump but it was your only option if you stayed here you risked being caught. You had no idea who these people were and what they would do if they caught you, so you decided to take the risk. Slowly moving yourself to the right position you jumped straight down onto the soft grass. You allowed yourself to let at the smallest of breaths before you went to walk into the forest.

"Don't move" said a gruff voice.

Glancing to your right you saw a ruff looking man with long hair and a redneck feel to him oh yeah and he was pointing a loaded crossbow at your head. By this point you had noticed that the talking had stopped and a tall man with a beard and gun along with a lady with a sword had positioned themselves at both your possible exits. And finally, a boy about 16 standing between the redneck and woman with a gun pointed at you.

"Who are you?!" said the redneck.

"Daryl calm down we do this my way" said the man with a beard.

He got a gruff reply before lowering his gun slightly.

"I'm Rick what's your name?"

You stared at him for a long while before speaking.

"Why haven't you killed me?"

The man looked at you and repeated the question.

"Madison my name is Madison"

"How many walkers have you killed?"

"I don't know I haven't kept count but many"

"How many people have you killed?"



"They were my parents they got bit and asked me to do it before they turned."

The three of them looked at you sadly for a brief moment before the boy spoke

"So dad did she pass your test?"

You looked between the four of them who had now lowered their weapons.

"Yes, Madison we have a group and walls and food would you like to come with us?"

You were taken back, people in this new world weren't friendly most of them would see you as just another mouth to feed or an enemy and kill you on the spot but these people these people weren't. Before you even realised you found yourself climbing into the back of the car next to the boy. He turned to you,

"You'll like it there it's amazing" he said with a smile then he reached down and took your hand.

You knew things were going to get better and that this new place was going to be a new positive beginning with its own unique story.

Carl Grimes and Chandler Riggs ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now