The place where love and flower grows

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Jin is smiling brightly. He has the day off, and the sunshine is warming his face as he makes his way to his secret place. Not too far from his apartment lies a park, often really crowded, but if you take a hard left just as you enter and look closely, you'll find a tiny path leading away from the constant buzz of people. Jin moves the branches from various trees stretching out on the slightly disappearing path.

Jin reaches his hands up as he makes it out onto the big open space, and feels the sun licking nice and warm on his skin. This is his happy place, where he goes whenever he wants to get away or when he feels he has to recharge. In front of him nicely crowned by trees stretches a big meadow, with flowers in all the color of the rainbow. He picks up a lovely bright pink flower and places it behind his ear. He smiles wide again, he takes a deep breath and feels how the atmosphere just calms him down, giving him peace. He remembers how much he loves this place, it has been a while since he had time to go here due to work. His feet make their way into the meadow, the way and amount of steps imprinted in his bones. So he closes his eyes and walks with his fingers gently stroking over the flowers as he moves forward. When there isn't flowers underneath this fingertips anymore he knows he's arrived, and he spins around a few times, arms out as he smiles back up at the sun.

Jin is about to put his bag down when his bag moves, and its surprises him so he almost falls back into a bed of flowers. The bag moving makes sense when his brain registers a person laying on his usual spot, where he just now tried to put down his bag. The person laying there must be tall as the bare area usually fits all of Jin, but this persons legs is somewhat hidden into the meadow. The guy has dark blond shaved sides and a lighter messy blond hair on top. A look Jin knows he could never pull off, but this guy seems to have no problem with it. Jin blushes and quickly stutters 'S-sorry, I-I'm so sorry!' He bows franticly looking down the entire time, too embarrassed to look up and meet the other. But when Jin hears a low laugh he looks up, meeting a beautiful set of dimples neatly placed on both sides of a shining smile. Jin feels his cheeks continue to blush even stronger when their eyes lock. The guys eyes are slim, and on some they might look a bit frightening, but the golden brown color that fills them only irradiates warmth. Jin can feel himself drowning in the other's eyes , as it takes him a whole 10 seconds to recognize the arm stretched out towards him. 'Don't worry about it, at least I didn't get stepped on' the guy says teasingly, his eyes turning into tiny smiles. Jin takes his hand, it's soft and comfortable, and Jin's own hand feels tiny in comparison. 'I'm Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you..?' the guys voice sends a tiny shiver down Jin's spine, but it's a nice kind of shiver. 'Kim Seokjin'

2 months later. The little area in the meadow is now their spot and not Jin's spot. Usually Namjoon will have a book and coffee with him, and Jin will be laying against him getting all the stars for the 4th time on his Mario 3DS. Most of the time Jin also brings whatever new exciting dish he found on the internet for them to try together, and they do this for another few months before Jin takes all the courage he can find and kisses Namjoon. And suddenly it isn't just flowers that flourish in the meadow, but also the tingly butterflies in their tummies.

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