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Hi! 🙋 I'm really glad that you've chosen to read my book! I came up with the idea for this story a few nights ago as I was laying in my bed trying to sleep. While it may seem like a rip-off of Once Upon A Time, I promise you that it isn't. I have written a few OUAT fanfictions, and I discovered that I really love writing fantasy stories. So now I want to try to write one on my own and see how it goes.
I'll try to start writing it and have the first part up really soon. I was going to wait until I was finished writing a couple of my other books first, but I've decided that instead of limiting myself to only working on a couple stories at a time, I'll just work on whatever story I feel like working on when I sit down to write. So I can't promise a regular updating schedule, but I hope you'll stick with me anyway because I have a lot of ideas for this, and my other stories, that I think you'll really like.
Okay, I think that's enough for this introduction. I'll see you guys soon with the first part! 😘

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