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King Alaric sat at the bedside of his dying wife, Queen Vida. They had been married for fifteen years, and were just as in love now as on their wedding day.
A year ago, Vida became very sick and the doctors couldn't help her anymore. They said that based on her current condition, she probably wouldn't live much longer. Alaric was devastated, but he tried not to show it, especially in from of their six-year-old daughter. Oh, how happy they had been when she was born! It came as a total surprise when Vida became pregnant, because she had been told that she could never have children. They named the baby Snow White, because her skin was so pale. Her hair was black, and her lips the perfect shade of rosy-red. She was every bit as beautiful as her mother. Vida had always dreamed of having a little daughter and was excited to finally have one and to teach her how to be a proper princess. But now she'd never be able to.
Though it pained her to move, she stretched out her arm and grasped her husband's hand.
"What is it, my dear?" he asked, suddenly alert.
"Alaric," she began. "when I die-"
"If." the king corrected. He was still in denial that his wife would soon die. "You're going to get better, I just know it."
"No, I won't." she said. "I can feel myself growing weaker every minute, and I know that I will not live much longer. But before that happens, there is something I need to tell you."
Alaric nodded his head to say that he was listening.
"When I die, I don't want you to go on mourning forever. I want you to be happy, to find a new wife eventually."
"I. . . I don't know if I can do that." the king said, a tear slipping down his cheek. "I could never love someone else the way I love you."
"I know. It wouldn't be the same, but I'm sure you could love again."
Just then, they heard the sound of little feet enter the room. Snow White trotted up to the giant bed, her black curls bouncing against her shoulders. She reached up and grabbed the comforter, grunting as she tried to pull herself up onto the bed. She eventually made it, and she crawled over to her mother.
"Hello, Mama." Snow said.
"Hello, darling." her mother beamed at her.
The little girl sat by her the queen's shoulder and began combing her fingers through her mother's hair.
"Are you better yet, Mama?" she asked.
"I'm afraid not." Vida said sadly.
Snow bent down and kissed her her mother's cheek. "What about now?" she asked. "Kisses make everything better." She smiled, remembering once when she had bumped her head on a table; her mother had kissed the bruise, saying that kisses make everything better.
The queen smiled up at her daughter. She reached up and stroked the girl's silky locks. "I guess I do feel a little better." she said. It wasn't true, but she didn't want to say that. "Come here." she said, motioning for Snow to come closer.
The little princess cuddled up to her mother's side, resting her head on her shoulder and Vida held her close with her arm. She kissed her little girl's head. "I love you, my little princess."
"I love you too, Mama."
When Snow had fallen asleep, the queen returned her attention to her husband.
"Snow needs a mother." she said. "Someone she can look up to as she grows."
"I know." he said.
"Promise me that you'll find a new queen, one that will be good for the kingdom, but also a good mother to Snow."
Alaric nodded.
"Promise?" Vida prodded.
"I promise." he said.
"Thank you."
Alaric stood up and kissed his wife on the forehead, his lips quivering. When he started to move away, Vida let go of his hand and moved her hand to his cheek.
"I love you." she whispered.
One of his tears fell onto her cheek as he said, "I love you too."
Then he kissed her on lips, tenderly at first, but it quickly turned passionate. He loved her so much! And the thought of losing her caused him actual pain.
When they broke apart, they were both crying. He rested his forehead on hers and caressed her cheek with his thumb.
"I love you so much." he said, crying.
"And I you." she sniffed.
Later that night, the queen died, and the king and his daughter wept together.
So, what did you think? Personally, I'm very excited to write this story. In the next chapter, you'll meet the woman who will become Snow's step-mother. I hope I'll see you there! Okay, bye for now! ☺

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