Receptary Sanity

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in my life, everything is solid

i have strong evidence for my toaster

and in a lawsuit, i'm sure that

i could prove the existence

of my socks

there's just one problem: you

you're my only receptary

i looked that up in the dictionaire...

adj. - something accepted as fact

but unproven

hmm. i think i know what the fuss

about the big bang is now

we have red shift, measurements, microwaves

but there's always the possibility

we got it wrong

but of course you're real. right?

you are, aren't you? because

every time i wake up, i have to

check you're still there, i have to

pinch myself

of course i don't let you see that

but maybe you're just too good

to be true, too unreal to be real

or maybe i'm making a fuss

over nothing

but even that has a double meaning, and

you are a double meaning. your

freckles may prove your existence, but

maybe i just have an excellent


you annoy me so much, with your

silence that doesn't help to make you

three dimensional. and sometimes

i can't help wondering if maybe

you're only paperthin

i can't decide if you're real

or is it me who is unreal?

is what you are to me real

is what i am to you real?

do you know?

and now i'm spending my days

pretending you're there. maybe

you really are; it doesn't matter.

you once said things aren't always

what they seem

you say you'll never leave me, and i believe you

but when we have coffee with friends

they give you the oddest looks. i can never

bring myself to ask them if i'm really

going mad

because the point is, i don't mind

i think i'd give up my sanity, if it meant

i could keep you forever. i said you might be

nothing, but without you, all of life would be


say maybe you're not real. say

you're a dream, a hallucination, a trick

i don't think i care. i think i can live

without proof, because i can't stand the thought

of losing you

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2009 ⏰

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