Twisted Tales

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The crew sang together as the boat bobbed on the water, their voices were all slurred from the rum they'd been drinking. The stars were out and the boat's black flag moved in the soft breeze. The night was warm,dispite the breeze of the ocean. The land was still a ways off, the ship of raiders would be docking soon. Among the crew a poor man stayed sober. He couldn't pay for a normal boat fare, but with the little coin he'd managed to earn or steal, and some hard labor, he could be promised a place among a ship of raiders. They smelled terrible, like salty waters, rotten food and sweat, and the manners that even a poor begger like Richard had, seemed meaningless. They spared not a drop of rum for him, but that he didn't mind. The rum he had tasted was bitter and made his stomach churn, he imagined that the cheap rum the raiders had was worse. Those are only some of the reasons that Richard sat alone out on the deck of the boat letting his thoughts drift along with the boat. He hoped for a fresh start, some life other than the slums. He knew of a young king who's father had just passed, Richard hoped to become a grounds keeper, or servant under the young lord. He was a strong, fit man, and his chance was as good as any.

The wind whistled longingly across the water. Richard found himself captivated by the sound. It started off a a quiet thrumm in his head, a sound which echoed like voices. Slowly it grew into a chours and Richard was sure that they were voices, it sounded like hundreds of them singging and calling. One voice stood out, more stunning than the rest it sent shivers down his spine. The Captian of the ship burst out of his quarters his eyes wild with fear, some part of Richard knew something was wrong, but he couldn't bother to care. All he heard was the beautiful voices calling for him. From the foggy waters a circle of huge rocks jetted out of the water. 


(sorry I'm still working ont it! I promise I'll add to it.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2013 ⏰

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