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The signs as types of debaters

Aries: the serious debater

Taurus: the I- forgot-my-entire-argument-but-I'm-a-good-bullshitter debater

Gemini: the interp debater (" let me act out my argument")

Cancer: the intimidating debater

Leo: the twitchy debater

Virgo: the organized debater

Libra: the debater who goes over what they're going to say 10,000 times

Scorpio: " now Bach to this bitch who had a lot to say about my contentions, [enter opponents name here], what's good?

Sagittarius: the loses-every-round-but-is-still-cheerful-debater

Capricorn: the angry debater

Aquarius: the flirty debater

Pisces: the debate coach who brought snacks so they wouldn't have to pay

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