Creating Spells

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A pre-ritual is an action taken before a magikal working. Such pre-rituals may be:
-circle casting is most commonly done in Wicca. It is creating a circle around the area the witch wishes to use during magikal working. It may be used to protect the witch during ritual or it may be used to create
contact with the deities of wicca for rituals. Its up to you or your coven.

-the broom can be used as a magikal tool to cleans an area intended to use for magikal workings. You sweep the area you will use for magik with the broom to cleanse the area. Many do this while casting a circle, while others simply just sweep with the broom without doing any other pre-ritualistic action.

-sage is used to cleanse an area, driving out all negativity. Sage has the same purpose as a magik broom. (Although, you don't sweep with sage, you burn it and walk around with the burning sage).

-meditation can be used to:
Clear the mind before ritual.
Connect with divine.
Create a protective atmosphere with power of mind.
Meditating is by far, extremely powerful compared to the other options. Although it isn't fancy like the others, its much easier and possibly more effective.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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