Chapter 3

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I gasped as I sat up straight in my bed. My hand gripped my shirt as I panted, looking around. What was that noise? What's going on? My forehead had beads of sweat on it and I sighed as I laid back down and moved my blankets off of me in order to cool off. I hate nightmares.

Just as I had closed my eyes again, there was a loud knock at my front door. It sounded urgent. I got out of bed and hurried down stairs to the lower level. I brushed my hair back out of my face and opened the door just a bit and looked out.

Big brown eyes met with my own as they peered into the crack. "(Y/N)?"

My breath caught in my throat and I threw the door open, my arms spreading out for a hug, "SASHA!!"

Sasha Braus leapt into the house and tackled me. She wrapped her arms around me and spun my body around her, laughing gleefully, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!"

"Hahaha, here!!" I responded, my arms wrapped around Sasha's neck. She finally set me down and I held her face with my hands, "It's so good to see you, where have you bee-"

My eyes jolted down to the emblem on her jacket. Wings of Freedom. She's apart of the Scouts. "You too, huh?" I chuckled as I crossed my arms.

She nodded proudly and paraded around, posing in front of me as she rambled on about how hard she worked to get in. My attention turned to my now open door where three males stood on my doorstep. I cocked an eyebrow as I noticed they were all blushing.

The bald one was looking away with his hand rubbing the back of his neck, the sandy blonde one was chuckling nervously and shuffling his feet around, and the other male who I met as Reiner kept his eyes everywhere but on me and continuously tugged at the collar of his shirt.

It stumped me as to why they were acting that way until I realized that I was standing there in broad daylight in just an oversized shirt. "Sasha, I'll be right back." I said, my face slowly turning red, before I redirected my attention to the boys. "Well, come on in. Don't just stand there and let the dust in."

With that I went upstairs and as soon as I was out of sight, I booked it back to my room.

'Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod-' I thought, flustered and embarrassed. I quickly got dressed into a pair of black pants and my (f/c) button up shirt with a tank top on underneath it.  I brushed my teeth and hair and put my (h/c) up into a quick bun.

I made my way back downstairs to see everyone sitting at my dining table with Sasha spouting off some childhood stories of ours. Currently, she was talking about the time I was being chased by angry hens because I was stealing eggs from the coop.

"Hey now, hey-" I cleared my throat, "Don't go off embarrassing me." Sasha smiled brightly as I walked over. "It's weird having a full house..." I mentioned, trying to shake the feeling since I was so used to be alone. "That reminds me, what're y'all doing here and who are.. you two?"

Reiner got up from his seat and offered his chair to me. I gave him a warm look before taking his place at the table, "thank you".

Sasha pointed at Connie and spouted off his name, then gestured to Reiner and I said, "I know him." Then she went to introduce the sandy blonde male but he interrupted her.

"And I'm Jean!" He grinned, "The best and brightest of the Scouts."

All three of his friends yelled, "BULL!"

Sasha grinned as she explained the whole situation to me, "Well, Reiner here told me last night that he took a really pretty girl home!"

He nearly choked as he objected, "I didn't say 'pretty'-" "Yes, you did, shut up!" Jean intervened in a cocky laugh.

"Anyways," Sasha snickered, going on, "He told me that her name was (Y/N) (L/N) and I asked for him to describe you and he did-"

Connie joined in, using a deep voice to mock Reiner, "Oh, she had such pretty eyes and a cute nose, and her hair was gorgeous. She looked like a goddess!"

My cheeks started to burn, but the heat that rose to my face was quickly replaced by fear for Connie. A very annoyed looking Reiner stood behind Connie, shadows looming over his eyes. Connie kept rambling on as he made fun of Reiner, not knowing that the blonde was that close to him. We all grew silent as we watched Reiner wind his arm back and smack the living hell out of Connie's head as if it were a tetherball.

Jean, Sasha, and I all broke out into spontaneous laughter as Connie laid his head down on the table, rubbing it while whining. Reiner huffed and leaned against the wall across from the table.

In the end, Sasha had explained that Reiner told her about me because he knew that she had a friend named (Y/N) (L/N) before the wall fell. Since then, Sasha assumed I was dead.

Sasha put her hand on top of mine as she asked, "So where are your parents and baby brother?"

My eyes dropped to the table and I stayed quiet. That in itself was enough to let them all know what happened.


I sat there on my kitchen floor, blood soaking my head and back. I looked left, I looked right. My parents and my baby brother were no where to be found.

"Momma? Papa? Sam?"

"(Y/N), over here..." A whisper called out to me. I looked around the corner of the wall and saw my father holding my brothers limp body. I crawled over and my father handed my brother over to me. "I'm gonna distract the titans.. I want you to run with your brother to the wall, find Hannes, he'll take care of you."

"But Papa, what about yo-"

"Don't worry about me. Stop. You always put others before yourself and one day, it's gonna get you killed. You NEED to survive. Now go."

I gulped hard and carried my brother to the front door. My father ran out the back, yelling and waving his arms. It was working, the titans that were around the house went after him, giving me a chance to take off.

I ran, holding my brother close to my chest. I wanted to look back, to see if my father had made it out, but I knew that I shouldn't.

"AHHH- LET ME GO!!" He started screaming. I skidded to a stop and looked back, watching as a titan held my father by his legs, dangling him upside down as it slowly eased him into its mouth.

"RUN, (Y/N), RU-"

Blood showered over the scene, droplets crashing down around me.

'Keeping running.'

A voice demanded in my own head.

And I did. I ran.

(Flashback Ends)

"(Y/N)?" Sasha called out to me and I looked up at her.

"What?" I said, still getting a grasp on my current surroundings.

I hadn't realized it yet, but I was crying. Sasha tried to baby me and Jean offered me a handkerchief. Connie began patting my back and Reiner just stood against the wall and stared at me with wide, damned eyes.

I ignored everyone else and stared back at the blonde. My eyes pierced his and something clicked in me again. The feeling of fire under my feet.

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