Annabeth II

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So I've decided to offer this little piece to you guys - after nearly two years of silence.

I don't want this to go to waste. So I've decided to give this to you guys as a peace offering.

This will be a series of one-shots that will not be arranged in chronological order. 

The world was on fire.

All around her, chaos reigned. Lightning struck the giants down, but it never seemed to keep them down for little longer than a minute or two. Water spurted out from the mighty trident of Poseidon, dousing the flames, but more just kept coming. Athena stood by her side, jabbing her spear into the bodies of the enemy, but they fought, undaunted by the pain. What was it like, Annabeth thought, being a monster? Were you so consumed by your desire to kill mortals that you would be so intent on your task so as to not notice the piercing pain a spear would bring about in your side?

Blood was steadily dripping from the gash on her side, but Annabeth paid it no heed. She was rolling and running and fighting with all her might - there simply wasn't enough time to dress the wound. She could do that later, if they won. If they survived.

Quite suddenly, she felt lightheaded. She stumbled, wincing as her side burned with a newfound passion. Her fingers felt for it, and came away sticky and red. The red of blood.

A Cyclops suddenly appeared in front of her. It roared, swinging a meaty arm, and suddenly Annabeth was lying on the ground, feeling dazed. She looked up and tried to focus on the face above her. Gods - if she had to die - why in this way?

Great, she thought bitterly. Annabeth Chase, girlfriend of Percy Jackson, killed by one of her boyfriend's many brothers. What a great way to go.

But then, as she braced herself for the deathblow she knew was inescapable, a shadow passed over her. Thrusting itself onto the Cyclops, it swung the Cyclops' head round and round like a rope, twisting its neck so that the Cyclops roared - and promptly fell like a felled horse. Which, in a way, it was.

The figure dropped to the ground and made his way towards her. When she looked up, she found herself face-to-face with Leo Valdez.

"So, bad day, huh?" he asked, trying to sound lighthearted. But he didn't manage to. They were no closer to winning the battle than they had when it had broken out, and though the immortals fought without the hindrance of exhaustion, the fight was taking its toll on the demigods.

She sighed. "Do you have some nectar?" she asked, gesturing to her side. "I can't continue fighting like this."

"Here," he replied, offering her a canteen. "It's not much, but it'll help."

She opened the bottle and drank a mouthful. It tasted, as always, like hot chocolate - the kind you would make for yourself after a very long, arduous day at work.

Instantly she felt better. It made her feel like everything was all right again, and no stupid insufferable monsters were trying to rip them into pieces. It made her feel like she was back at home again. Somehow the warm feeling in her chest rejuvenated her; gave her a little kick, which she was thankful for.

Her demigodishness told her something was creeping towards her. She spun to face her opponent, realizing Leo was gone - when he had been right beside her just a moment ago - and dropped her sword in surprise.


But reviews/faves/comments would be lovely. Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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