Don't You Ever Forget Me, Max.

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Max's eyes snapped open- only to see pouring rain and the humongous storm heading towards Arcadia Bay rather fast. That nightmare had been horrible- except for two parts.

"Max?" Chloe sobbed. "Please say something!"

"Chloe?" Max asked aloud. "I must have passed out, sorry."

"Oh thank god!" The blue haired girl yelled, resting a hand on her stunned friend's shoulder. "Don't you ever do that again, okay?"

With the help of each other, the two stood, and Max began the conversation that would both make and break her day.

"This is my storm!" She exclaimed. "I caused this! All of this!"

Chloe came over and stared into her eyes. "Fuck all of that, okay?" She yelled. "You were given a power- you didn't ask for it- and you saved me! So okay, you might not be the Time Lord, but you are Maxine Caulfield! And you are amazing!"

Max just nodded lightly. Then Chloe had an idea of how to stop this- how to wake Max for good. It was time to stop being selfish. Time to make sacrifices.

"Max," she breathed, bringing out the blue butterfly photo from her pocket. "This is the only way."

Max nodded her head side to side, saying, "I feel like I took this shot a thousand years ago!"

"You could use that photo to go back to just before you took it, and fix everything." Her friend continued. "All that it would take is for me to... To..." She covered her face with her hands, sobbing into them.

"Fuck that!" Max yelled, grabbing Chloe's shoulder, then backing off some. "No. No... You are my number one priority now! You're all that matters to me!"

Chloe sobbed into the air. "I know!" She exclaimed. "You've proved that over and over again, even though I don't deserve it! Look at what my mother had to go through- what she had to live through! And she did!" Chloe paused. "She deserves so much more then to die by a storm in a fucking diner!"

Max listened to Chloe's speech, though there was no way it was going to change her mind about what decision she would make.

"Even my step... Father... Deserves her alive!" Chloe continued. "There's so many more people in Arcadia Bay that deserve to live... Way more then me."

Max shook her head again, still contently listening. She didn't want to believe it- but looking from Chloe's point of view, she was right. In a way.

"Look at how many times I've almost died or... Actually died around you!" She said. "Saving me is what caused this mess!"

Her brunette friend continued listening.

"I think it's finally time to accept my fate..." She said. "Our fate! I've been so selfish... Now it's time for me to start thinking about other people! To start blaming myself!"

"Whatever reality I end up in after this- wherever I'm at- These moments will always be real! And they will always be ours!" Chloe yelled over the storm. "Whatever happens, I know you'll make the right choice!"

"Chloe," Max sobbed, throwing her hands into the air. "I can't make this choice!"

Chloe gripped her shoulders tightly, staring directly into her friend's eyes. "No Max," she said, seriously, her face drooped at asking her friend to kill her. "You're the only one who can."

She knew what she had to do. It wasn't right to be so selfish as to save Chloe and killed everyone else-

"Max," her friend said. "It's time."

"I'm so sorry, Chloe," Max said, pulling her friend into a hug. "I don't want to do this."

"I know you don't, but we have to." Chloe said sadly. "We have to save everyone, okay? And you'll make those fuckers pay for what they did to Rachel."

Max nodded.

"You're my hero, Max." She said.

Max reached for Chloe's face- and Chloe scooted forward, willing for a kiss this time.

They met halfway- Max on her tippy toes, kissing Chloe gently at first.

But Chloe had other ideas. If this was going to be her and Max's first and last kiss, and if she wasn't going to remember it, then she sure as hell was going to make it count now.

She shoved her tongue into Max's mouth- not even asking for permission first. Max didn't fight back, rather kissed a little harder, and then pulled away.

"I'll always love you," she cried, sobbing harder. "Now go, get out of here before I freak!"

-But that didn't mean she wouldn't do it. She looked at the photo for half a second.

"Not today," she whispered before ripping it into two pieces and throwing both into the tornado.

"I will always be with you," Chloe said, watching her friend and smiling quickly- though she was still sad. Her mother would die, Max's friend Warren would die- everyone they knew besides each other. "Forever."

She reached out for Max's hand, and the brunette gladly gripped it. Together they watched the death and destruction saving Chloe had caused. But Max was happy for her selfish self. That didn't stop her from being depressed as hell, though.

She buried her head into Chloe's chest, not wanting to watch the tornado crush her home.

Chloe wrapped her arm around Max, watching as the tornado hit Arcadia Bay. Her blue eyes scanned the area, knowing her mother was about to die. There was no chance anybody would survive that.

After the tornado passed, they got into Chloe's truck and drove through the streets, Max's head against the frame of her friend's truck, examining what she had done to the world. Chloe put a gentle hand on her shoulder- reassuring her somewhat.

They drove out of Arcadia Bay after taking a good look at Chloe's house- or what was left of it after the storm.

"Where are we going?" Max asked in her depressed voice.

"I think it's past time for that trip to Portland." Her friend smirked for half a second, taking Max's hand in her own. "Way past time."

Don't You Ever Forget Me, Caulfield. (Life is Strange Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now