1945-2017 'The Last Judgement'

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After the Nazis were defeated everyone thought the war was over but it had secretly continued to the 21th century era as an new substance was discovered 'Sopraffare' by Harel Milgram for years America tried to keep Sopraffare an secret but when the other countries got to know Sopraffare by old left documents people gathered all over the world to form an army named 'The Entory Empire'. For years people had conspiracy theories of The Entory Empire but this silent war was kept from the public. Doctor Datu Mark was the first one to crack the potential of the Sopraffare but as it was used in weapons it was also used in products like the iPad-S2v this was an grave mistake cause The Entory Empire send their first attack to america by destroying the WTC towers, this attack couldn't be ignored and so America got help from Europe and Asia againts this new threat. 2003 Asia, America and Europe united forces to form an army thanks forvthe HM5 called The Hellhounds and prepared their first attack into an underwater base called 'Poseidon' the Hellhounds slaughtered the Entory base and The Entory Empire was quiet for an few years this few years were called 'The Calm before The Storm'. In 2007 The Entory Empire attacked the Pentagon somehow passing their security and stealing tons of Sopraffare to theirself, The Hellhounds were reformed by the help by CAAC and an counter attack was led called 'The Storm' each side was slaughtered equally and The Entory Empire knew this cant go on like this and so they unleashed Project Doomsday nobody knew what it was or what it did but the result was that the world was turned into an junkyard of scrap from the Project Doomsdays blast after this the whole world changed 2017 was officialy dubbed as 'Judgment Day'. Most people started an new life trying to survive this unforgiving wasteland, some tried to rebuild it but The Entroy Thread wasn't over as they survived the blast by their Sopraffare powered air ships and ruled the skies by the founders son Magtanggol Mirenda as their leader. -Joe Storyteller

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