★★★ Allegiances ★★★

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SwiftClan - The determined and reckless


Larkstar - Handsome tabby tom with a bobbed tail.


Silverpool - Pretty blue-eyed silver tabby she-cat.

Medicine cat:

Hollyheart - Black, red and white calico she-cat with hazel eyes.

(Apprentice - Breezepaw)


Russetflame - Reddish she-cat with amber eyes.

Smokecloud - Dark grey tabby tom with grey eyes.

Wolfcry - Grey and brown mottled tom.

Moonflight - White and grey she-cat with green eyes.

(Apprentice - Falconpaw)

Shatteredpath - Icy white tom with pale blue eyes.

Rowanwave - White tom with tan paws and reddish eyes.

(Apprentice - Flamepaw)

Pepperfur - Long-haired white she-cat with black speckles.

Fallowburr - Cream and white spotted tom with yellow eyes.

Sharpslash - Grey and white tabby tom with hazel eyes.

Velvetfur - Brown-eyed deep red she-cat.

Maplesplash - Amber-eyed gold and white she-cat.

Hailstorm - Large grey tabby tom with piercing yellow eyes.

Nightwish - Green-eyed black tabby she-cat.

Vixengrin - Reddish she-cat with black stockings.


Sparrowstreak - Ginger and white she-cat with a bobbed tail.

(Apprentice - Starpaw)

Dappledleaf - Calico and white she-cat with leaf green eyes.

Shadowmask - Mute white tom with a black mask over his ears and face.

Cedarwing - Mottled brown tabby tom with yellow eyes.

(Apprentice - Oakpaw)

Paledusk - Sandy yellow and white she-cat.

Scarletfeather - Red and white tabby she-cat with hazel eyes.

Lilychime - Cream and white tabby she-cat with pale blue eyes.

Oddshimmer - Silver and white she-cat with strange shimmering fur.

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