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Swae:(Looking out for India)

India:(Pulls up)

Swae:(Ran out the door)

India:Hey bae

Swae:Wassup baby

India:U told me to come hereso wassup

Swae:*Damn she fine*

India:*Wow!dat body*

Swae:So u wanna go inside


Swae:Alright let's go

Inside the house

India:Wow this so beautiful

Swae:I did it all 4 u

India:Awe bae

Swae:Ur welcome

India:*Should I kiss him?Cuz them lips of his*

Swae:*I think she want me...she can have me*

India:(Pushes he into the couch and got on top of he and starts to kiss him)

Swae:Baby wha-(GCO by India kissing him)

India:Sss swae uhh

Swae:(Flip india and starts grinding)


Swae:Haha I knew it

India:Uhhhhh knnneeww wwwhat?

Swae:Y-you w-wannaed me

India: Yeahh I did uhhhh

I loved u since day 1(A swae lee love story starring india love WestbrooksWhere stories live. Discover now