Chapter 1 (Edited)

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"Elliot can you come down here!" My mama yells from the bottom of our new two story house. "Let me just finish getting dressed!" I yell back. I turn back to my closet, that's half unpacked and half still in boxes, and pull out a black mid-thigh length skirt with a pink knitted sweater crop top and a pair of black ankle boots and throw that on. I brush out my long black hair and let it hang down in natural waves until it reaches my bum. I put a pink bow in it too just for color.

My papa doesn't let me cut my hair often. He says that girls should have long hair and that's that. I don't care though I like having long hair. My mama has long hair too. Although she usually keeps it in a bun or french braid.

I hop down the last step of the stairs and find both my parents and my little brother, Everett, standing there waiting for me.

"Good morning sweetie! You look beautiful!" My mama says as she engulfs me in a hug. My mama is a wonderful person. She's sweet, kind, gentle, and very beautiful. With her bright blue eyes, pale skin, and black hair she is the picture of beauty. Luckily I look just like her although I'm nowhere near as pretty. My eyes are a duller color blue and my hairs a bit thicker then her's thanks to my papa.

My papa is also quite handsome. He and my mama are polar opposites appearance wise. He's got tan skin and short blonde hair with piercing green eyes. Not to mention the height difference between my mama and papa. My papa is a tall muscular man where as my mama is a short and thin woman. Like me. 

And finally it's my little brother Everett. He looks like both mama and papa. He's got black hair like mama and green eyes like papa. And for a twelve year old he's quite tall. Almost taller then me and I'm eighteen.

"Thank you mama! You look lovely as usual." I tell her and she gives a light and airy laugh. "Thank you darling." Mama says smiling and showing off her white teeth. "Now let's get some pictures before you have to leave!" Mama says clapping her hands excitedly. Everett and I sigh before grabbing our school bags stepping outside into the autumn air and pose for pictures.

Ten minutes later pictures are finished and I'm headed off to school. American high school.  My family recently moved her from Maladoniea. It's a tiny country and not known to a lot of bigger countries but it's a beautiful country. We speak English there but we have accents that I guess you could say sound like English accents.

There's also a lot of supernatural beings. Oh did I not mention that my family and I are witches? Well we are.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I arrive at the school. Just from looking at it from the outside I can already tell that it's a lot different than my school back in Maladoniea. In Maladoniea I went to a very orderly and proper school. We wore uniforms and presented ourselves with elegance and poise. Here the kids ran around like idiots and dressed like prostitutes. And I'm not being a prude when I say that. These girls are literally wearing like nothing. It's gross.  

I walk up the path to the school and go inside,  already feeling out of place. There are tall blue lockers and the white tile floor is all scuffed up. I swallow and start my search for the school office.

"Hi! Are you new here?" A sensibly dressed girl asks as she walks up to me. She's very pretty with blonde hair and brown eyes. She's a bit taller than me. She is wearing a blue halter top and a pair of white skinny jeans.

"Yes. Do you know where the office is?" I ask her a bit uncomfortable. I'm a shy person. I don't like meeting new people, it kinda freaks me out. 

And I'm not shy with everyone. Just mainly werewolves. Which she is. Along with most of the other people in this school, from what I can tell so far. 

How do I know this? Well witches can tell when other supernatural beings are around and what they are. It comes in handy a lot. 

She squeals excitedly, "Yes! I'll take you there! C'mon!" I groan internally. I really just wanted her to give me directions. Even if she wasn't a werewolf I'd still be shy. Just not as shy. I'm not really a people person. 

"Thank you." I say flashing her a small smile. "I'm Carter by the way." She says as we walk down the school hallway. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Elliot." I reply politely. She smiles at me, "So you have an accent. Where are you from?" She asks.

"Maladoniea." I tell her. She looks a little confused. She's probably never heard of Maladoniea. Most people haven't. "I've never heard of that. I thought you were from England." She says honestly. I laugh a little, "It's fine. Maladoniea is a rather small country. Most people have never heard of it." I say.

"So here's the office! If you need anything just come find me! I'm the welcome committee!" She yells excitedly. "By yourself?" "Yeah nobody else signed up so I decided to do it myself!" She exclaims. "Well I'll see you later." I say excusing myself. She nods and I walk into the office.

As I walk into the office I take in my surroundings. There are chairs lining the wall on either side of the door. The walls are white and there is grey carpeting. in the middle of the room is the front desk with fax machines and what not behind that. And there are doors that I assume lead to offices on the right wall..

"Hello how can I help you?" The redheaded lady sitting behind the desk asks. I smile at her, "I'm new. I need my schedule." I tell her quietly. She smiles at me, "Okay. What's your name sweetie?" She asks kindly while moving her hair behind her ears.

"Elliot Anderson." I announce. She nods and opens a drawer and pulls out a piece of paper, "Here you go. Now hurry and get to class before the bell rings." She tells me handing me the paper that has my schedule printed on it. I nod and take it and leave the office, heading to my first class.

Little did I know that the second I entered that class my life would be forever changed.....

A/N: Just an FYI I made up Maladoniea so yeah.....

Updated A/N:  Hey guys I went through and edited this chapter and added a few things and took other things out. Let me know if I missed anything! Thank you for reading! 

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