The prince and the half-breed

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Sakura hummed happily, tugging a large neon yellow hairbrush through her vibrant pink hair, when suddenly a loud 'knock knock!' came from her door. She stood up, walking over and opening the ornate door to see who it was.

"A-ah! Princess Sakura!" It was one of her maids

"Hai? What is it?" She snapped, rather rudely, annoyed for being interrupted

"An-Anou...yo-you get a le-letter..." The shy girl handed her a letter.

"...Sannkyuu. Now go." The pink haired princess slammed the door in her face before bouncing onto her bed, her barbie pink dress poofing out around her. "Hmm...wonder what it could be." She tore it open to read it.

'Dear Princess Sakura,

You have been formally invited to come to Prince Uchiha Sasuke's castle, where he will proceed to name his "wife", and wed them. You are one of the suitoress' that have been chosen for his final decision. Prince Uchiha will choose his bride, and the correlation will follow the wedding.

The party is held tonight, at 8pm, the Uchiha Castle.

Hope you can attend,

yours sincerely,

Hatake Kakashi.'

Her green eyes widened.

"YATTA!" She squealed happily, jumping up and down on her bed before flying out her bedroom door into the thrown room to her mother and father. "Mummy, Daddy, look! I just got a letter! FROM UCHIHA SASUKE!"

"...Prince Uchiha?"

"HAI! He's gathering the most beautiful girls in the world to come to his palace so he can choose one and MARRY THEM!"

"My, Sakura, isn't this a perfect opportunity?! Now you must work as hard as you can to win his heart." Sakura's mother gushed, "we'll make you look stunning!"

"Darling, it's not just about looks, you must be kind and sweet too." Her father added.

"Hai, hai, we'll worry about that later, now let's go find some clothes! I'll go down to the dress makers, Sakura, honey, you go to your room and have a shower."

"HAI!" The pinkette squealed again, darting off down the corridor into her room. Her father sighed mournfully.

After showering, she saw the dress that she was going to wear on the bed.

It was "beautiful". It was a pink silk corset, with dark purple hems and lace backing, and the skirt was long and the same pink silk as the top.

"WAAH! This is beautiful!" She grinned, slipping into it and running out of the room happily.

Once her hair and make-up was done, she ran down to the chariot to set off to the Castle.

'Hahaha, I came early so that I'll have some alone time with Sasuke-kun!' she giggled in her mind (A/N: craaazy!).

The carriage pulled up to the massive house, and the driver opened the door for the princess, as she stepped out, gawping at the beautiful mansion. The entire place was scattered with stunning fairy lights, and there were torches lining the path up to the grand front door.

She laughed, running up to the entrance. She was going to be living here soon! The pinkette glanced around for the raven. There were many people running around, adding the final decoration, but she couldn't see the prince anywhere.

Frowning, she went inside. Walking through the grand hall, she found the thrown room, with Uchiha Minato and Fugaku sitting on their thrown's, talking to each other about something, when their eyes fell on the new girl.

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