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*Perfect-One Direction and Another GIF by MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!* 

Recap: You clicked on the load video and have now moved the Slider to the part you want it at

Now, over on the right side of the page you will see the words Video Preview

Under them you will see a video of the song you chose at the specific part you wanted it to begin at.

You can choose how long you want your GIF to be.

You will see the words

- What is the length of your GIF in seconds?-

Then you'll see a box that says 5 seconds

If you want it to be less than that you can click on the down arrow and you'll see 5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds, 2 seconds, and 1 second. 

Click on how long you want it to be.

Then scroll down and you'll see create GIF

Click on it

It'll take a few minutes to load.

Once it does you'll see your GIF come up.


Now, if you want to save it to your phone click on the middle button and i'll automatically save.

If you want to save it on your laptop then you can either bookmark it or save it to your computer.


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