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You run down a narrow hall

It is dark, almost pitch black

The close walls are lined with mirrors

You're running from something

You don't know what it is

You look back over your shoulder

Behind you the mirrors flash with terror

The flash of flames licking the walls of a room

A dark figure lurks in an alley, it reaches out

Sheer horror calls from a pair of hollow eyes

A shrill shriek rips through the air

You shut your eyes tightly, and keep on running

Running from the dark shadows, just on your heels

They threaten to pull to back

Back to the darkest memories you have

You try to run ahead, up to the bright shimmering on the mirrors just in front of you

You long for them to pull you back to the bright memories

A bubbly giggle, bright blue eyes

A soft arm wrapped around your shoulders

A cool green wave washes over you

A warm summer breeze weaves through the grass and caresses your skin

The reflections ahead painfully fade into nothing as you approach them

The reflections behind bite on your heels, threatening to engulf you in their horror

The bad memories lurk, haunting the shadows

They linger, reminding you of the painful events of the past

The bright memories dance up ahead

Teasing you, reminding you of the brightest things that eve happened, never to happen again

Every way you look, there are memories teasing, haunting, the bright, the dark, inescapable, they haunt you fora lifetime.

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