Study partner

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As I wake up I look outside and it's dark and gloomy I check the clock and its 9:45 I decided that today I was going to the gym early and then see how the day plays out.

Eme was still in bed sleeping off her hangover I go make us some sandwiches for breakfast.

Eme I shake her awake eme she finally starts to wake up.

Here I made you a sandwich for breakfast

Oh Royce thank you

You're welcome ok so I'm gonna go to the gym for a while to get my mid off of things.

As soon as I said that she sat up quickly.

Do you want me to go with you?
Oh you're going to be looking sexy afterwards

Well if you consider sweaty sexy then yeah anyway I'm gonna get going I will see you later ok?. I kiss her forehead grab my gym bag and head out.

~2 hours later~
Whew what a workout I feel so energized. And my mind is clear for once. I go to the locker rooms take a shower and head out.

As I was getting in my car I got a text from Sabrina

Sabrina: Hi Royce I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but I'm studying for my musical class and you're this amazing talented Latin singer so I was wondering if maybe you can help me learn a bit more about it for my class work.

Royce: I would love to if you want I can go over right now and help you out.

Sabrina: Right now oh that would be great but shouldn't you be spending time with your girlfriend I don't want to ruin your relationship.

Royce: I should but things are really complicated in that area and I'm just trying to think about things. But don't worry I promise everything will be ok I'll be right over.

Sabrina: Oh Royce thank you so much you're so kind.

Royce: It's no problem see you soon

~End of phone convo~

I first go home quickly to tell eme not to worry and to grab my guitar. I looked all over the house and eme wasn't there could she really go out and party again?

I just texted her and left.

~20 minutes later~
I finally got to Sabrina's house I parked my car got out and I soon as I was walking over to her door it started pouring rain.

I knock and she opens the door

Hi Sabrina you look so pretty. Oh Royce thank you so much here come in its pouring.

Lol well thank you. So how are you feeling?

Im still so sore  not my best yet but it's getting there.

Oh I'm so sorry I'm here for you whatever you need.

Thank you Royce well right now I need some help in music.

Well that's what I'm here for I brought my guitar here I'll show you the chords first.

I start showing her the chords. "Ok good now you got it  yeah just like that".

Wow you're a fast learner are you sure you didn't know how to play already lol.

Nope this is my first lesson, well then you aced it.

I teach her a couple more things and she finishes her notes and we're done.

Wow that was so much fun thank you Royce so much for you're help I feel better about my quiz tomorrow.

It my pleasure I'm sure you're gonna ace it.  


We both start laughing, so do you have anything you can play on your guitar right now?

Uh yea I do here I'll play a little

Sunday morning and cold rain is pouring down that's ok I got sunshine next to me we're out of coffee all we got is cereal that's alright cause I'm sharing it with you.

We jump in my 96 corola roll the streets of Beverly Hills windows down your hair just blowing free.

We ain't got no money baby that's alright we feel like billionaires all I need is right here next to me.

You make everyday feel like another day in paradise it's true beautiful in every way.

And I don't care what we do everything feels good with you it's true you make an ordinary day.

Extraordinary, extraordinary is what you're to me.

When I finish singing to her I feel this very strange feeling Im looking at her and she just looks so beautiful it's hard for me not to lean in for a kiss.

Wow Royce that was so beautiful your girlfriend must love that song.

Well actually she says it's not her favorite so.....
Oh Royce I love it it's so cute and romantic and for two people in love.

Well I'm glad you loved it and it could put a smile on your face.

Sabrina's pov: oh this man is so perfect he's smart funny charming and cute i want to just lean in and kiss him but he has a girlfriend and I don't want to ruin our friendship.

Ok well I should get going its late and you should get some rest before your test tomorrow.

Royce thank you so much you made my day so much better and happier and I feel confident now that I'll do good on my test.
You will.

We walk to the door and hug each other ok I'll see you soon Sabrina.

Ok bye Royce. Ugh this women she gives me butterflies I need to stop no this can't be happening am I falling for this girl?

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