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I've never thought about how I met Will. In school, I guess. But we weren't really in the same class, or the same group. Except in the end of year 8, we just became close. Not the greatest story ever, but it is all I've got.
Will is different to me, his parents haven't split up like my own and his sister didn't fail a single one of her Year 12 exams. But out in the middle of nowhere there is Will, nobody pushed him to become the way he is, but somehow he became this complex,intriguing and risk taking kid.
I am on the other hand come across as nice. This is because of 1 or 2 reasons. That I am genuinely a nice person or that I haven't hurt anyone (which is not at all true,) or that no one really knows me well. Around the time my parents split up and my dad became distant, Will happened to show up. I could talk forever about Will and what we ranted about on the train, but then I wouldn't be able to stop.
It's been a year now, and even though I consider Will as my closest friend we only really have ever talked on the way to and from school. We like to talk about a number of things, mainly amazing people we admire or subjects that make us angry. In the mornings of course it starts slow, but soon as the coffee enters our bloodstreams our heads flow with thoughts. Sometimes it meant we were late for school, sometimes even hours late.

Today was one of those days.
Will traced his hands over the etched graffiti on the train Window and he tells me about how he can't stop but think our year is a bunch of mindless fakes. His hand runs through his dirty blonde hair, messing up the combed strands that his mother must of made sure he had. He smirks and hits my leg.
" Wake up Allegra, you there." He smirks, a dimple indenting his cheek. I laugh and lean back. Often it went like this, I guess I keep my self to myself. It's what you're taught in primary school right? Keep you hands to yourself, keep your thoughts to yourself and etc. I guess Will was never told that, or he chose not to listen.
" I want to be able to say Yes to everything you know? Without hesitating, feeling embarrassed or something like that." I grab his hand and half smile.
"Please, I'm about to fall asleep. I've got so many tests and I'm so unprepared and..."
" Please, I'm about to fall asleep." Will mimics my voice and I lean back with somewhat embarrassment. Until around the end of year 8 I had been much worse, speaking about nothing but school and Will bringing something up like that made my stomach bend. I had tried so hard not to be that person for so long and I felt that it was rubbing off me.
" Listen, I had this idea. To say yes to everything,you know?" I shrug, still bothered by his previous comment. Saying yes to everything though, he had a point. I had been trying for a while to actually respond to people and questions, saying yes could do a whole lot more. Will throws his bag over his shoulder, and I realized I had taken too long to respond. " Time for a long, day of school." Will dragged his feet across the ground and I laugh. After what seemed like a while of waiting for the train to come to a stop, I figured that we didn't really have to leave the train.
" We don't have to leave the train you know?" I could tell that Will was confused, he slowly turned around as the doors opened and smirks.
" Wait what?"
"Will you stay on the train with me?"
" No, we are already late enough."
"What happened to saying yes?"
" Sorry, what happened to all your tests?"
"Will you stay on the train with me?"
I waited for an answer, Will hovering between the platform and the train. "Come on Say Yes."
" Yes."


Chapter 1 is still in the writing at the moment as I have been really busy lately. I hope you are liking the yes team so far but trust me, there is so much more to come. Please leave a comment, vote or anything so I can improve the story. Thank you!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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