part 2

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I woke up in terror to realize it was only a dream. I was still in school waiting for the day to end. I shook myself to reality.

This was the only time I did not get to see Jacob Black, my boyfriend - also the most boring part of the day - school. It was finally coming to an end. Almost 7 hours of my day wasted learning stuff I already knew when I could be with the guy I love.

The bell rings and I walk out through the parking lot, into the forest, then run. That was the plan that I followed every day after school. When the bell finally did ring I did as my plan intended for me - to get home as fast as I could; and I walked swiftly to the parking lot so I could escape into the woods and run to my love waiting at home for me.

"Wait up Rene, I need to talk to you! Please!" My friend Ella called from across the parking lot. I never liked when people call me Rene. That is not my name.

I rolled my eyes and I turned as she ran to me dodging a few cars along the way; earning a few yells and honks. "My name is Renesmee." I said pretending I did not know who it was; I turned around and acted surprised to see her. "Hi Ella, I really have to get going; I have to study for the Spanish test next Monday, so can you make this quick. It is going to be really hard so I should study as much as possible." Every single word that came out of my mouth was a lie. I really had to go home so I could see Jacob. I had my Spanish test down, it is a simple grade. One of the many perks of being a vampire. Every class came easy to me.

"Oh, okay. I'll make it fast then." She said unsure of herself. I gave her the hurry up look. "Jon wants to know if you would go out with him. I told him that you were already going out with Jacob but he insisted. You know how he is Rene. He will not accept no for an answer from you. He told me to get down on my knees and beg if I have to. I do not really want to do that if you don't mind. I know he has asked a lot, but he is asking again. I think he really likes you. He does not like many girls. I wish he would ask someone else, like me, not that I like him or anything,"

"He's all yours Ella, He's not my type. Tell him that I don't go out with guys..." I was trying to think of something fast that I could remember and that made sense, "...that won't ask me in person and guys that won't give up. Oh," I said turning back to her as I started walking off, "also tell him that unless he wants to end up in the hospital like Tom did." There was no Tom, I was just making it up as I went - "He better not bring it up any more; especially around Jacob. We both know he doesn't love me, at least not like Jacob does."

"You're probably right, he is kind of a player, but hot. I will tell him what you said. Don't you think you are being a little harsh on him though? Jacobs great and all but he doesn't go to our school. He even dropped out. Jon might be a player but at least he didn't drop out. He is just as hot as Jacob. He isn't afraid to fight for you either. I have never seen him this into a girl before. You should feel lucky."

Will she ever give up? Will he ever give up? I already knew the answer; no.

"No, I am not being too harsh." I started walking away but then I turned around once more. "Oh, and Jacob didn't drop out, he finished early. I'm serious, tell him no and also to leave me alone. Jacob and I are made for each other and there is nothing he can do about that. Jacob is the love of my life, and so much hotter than Jon. Jacob isn't afraid to fight for me either, he will be ready take him down anytime, anywhere, and make sure to tell Jon that. I'm lucky because I have Jacob, not because Jon likes me." I said in a harsh tone. She didn't deserve my behavior but I needed to get the point across to her that I didn't want anything to do with Jon or his gang of friends.

I then sprinted off into the forest a little too fast for a human jog. I didn't check to see if anyone was looking. I didn't want to hear Ella's reply, or see her face, or stay any longer than I had to in that parking lot; or away from my love Jacob. The trees rushed past me but I could still see every little drop of water that was still on the leaves from the rain the night before last. It only took me a few seconds - although it seemed like hours because I knew Jacob was waiting for me at the house - to see the upcoming lights ahead of me. The house.

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