Chapter Twelve

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(Y/N)'s POV

I watched as Cry sipped the wine and made a face. I laughed and tried it for myself, making the same face. I was extremely confused as to why it was just Cry and I, but I felt weird asking. I liked Cry for so long now that I just wanted to cherish this moment with him.

I looked down at my plate and started cutting the steamy deer. After taking a bite I shut my eyes and savored this amazing flavor. Russ outdone himself with cooking this.

"Good?" Cry asked and I opened my eyes to meet his. I nodded eagerly and began cutting more.

The deer was gone all too quick, but it was nice sipping on wine and talking with Cry. He seemed nervous, which made me nervous. The fancy dinner, the dressing up, the fact it was just him and I, I began to get a sense of what's going on here. They were going to kick me out, weren't they? Maybe it was because I wasn't pulling my weight or maybe it was because they just didn't like me anymore.

"Hey, you okay?" Cry asked. He must have seen my face fall at the pure despair I felt.

I forced a smile and nodded, "Yea, just thought I saw a bug."

He fell for the lame excuse and continued talking, I added in a comment every so often, but my mind kept racing with fear and confusion. After a while, it was completely dark out. The lanterns only helped so much, so I could barely see Cry's face. We had fallen silent, but it wasn't awkward, it was nice and comforting. Or it should have been if I wasn't scared out of my mind at the thought of not being with the team anymore.

That's when I was ripped from thought when an erie blue illuminated the room. My instincts took over and I nearly tackled Cry to the floor. He gave me a bewildered look, but it went away when he noticed the glow. I stared wide-eyed at the wall were the light hit and I thanked god that the curtains were closed so it couldn't see the light of our lanterns.

That's when someone's door opened and out walked Russ, "Hey gu-woah am I inturruptin-" But he cut himself off when his eyes met my wide, scared ones. His eyes followed mine to the blue glow that hit the back wall and he flew to the ground and crawled back into the room. I heard a faint whispered and Scott, Minx, and Snake crawled out with Russ this time.

They were all back in normal clothes, and right now I was pretty jealous of them. Someone crawled over to Cheyanne's room and next time I knew, we were all huddled in the sheer darkness except for the blue lighting up the entire room, as someone had shut down the lanterns.

I slowly crawled off of Cry and laid next to him on my stomach, eyes never leaving the window. We all watched intently as the blue began to fade. I held my breath as the glow completely disappeared. I let out my shaky breath, but no one moved. I moved my eyes to follow theirs and saw the blue had returned, but now it was by the front door, which was located in the kitchen.

I froze once more as the knob began to turn, ever so slowly. Pure fear washed over me to the point where I couldn't move. Grab your gun. My mind was right. I ever so delicately began to move as the Glitcher began to shake the knob more violently. I felt a hand latch onto my arm and I was met with Cry's eyes.

"What are you doing?" He mouthed, eyes darted between me and the door.

"Gun." I mouthed back. He gave me a worried look, then shook his head. His hand moved down my arm and he took my hand in his own. I took pleasure in the extra reassurance and we started crawling towards the bedrooms.

I was mentally scolding myself for not keeping my gun on me like I usually do. It was so unlike me to be left so defenseless. I guess I was just so excited about the diner that it left my mind. The knob's jiggling could now be heard from across the cabin. I picked up the pace, pulling Cry behind me.

Glitched! Cryaotic x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن