Chapter 10

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A/N: Double digits! Hope you guys have been enjoying this book so far. Thank you all for this many reads, it may not seem like a lot but we're getting there! Well, here is chapter 10.

Chapter 10 - It Was Always Her.

|Penny's P.O.V|


The next morning was hell.

Harry never texted. Not that I cared.

I had a pounding headache. Probably from too much thinking last night.

I didn't get one ounce of much needed sleep last night. Thoughts ran through my mind, faster then I could comprehend them. Something strange appeared last night when I saw that girl Tianna with Harry. I thought that he was a player. He didn't strike me as the 'one girl' kind of guy.

Besides, I thought we were boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't get it. I should be happy, he has a girlfriend, and its not me. The only reason why I dated him was to have a date for the wedding, kind of a last minute thing.

After I had gotten out of my bed, I went straight to the kitchen, to get breakfast.

Once I entered my small kitchen, I went to one of the cupboards and grabbed a Tylenol, shaking it till two small pills came out.

I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and gulped down the pills, instantly feeling relief in my head.

Deciding I wasn't in the mood to cook, I went to do some driving, something had to happen, wether it be I stumble upon treasure - highly unlikely - or it be juts find a new cafe to try, something interesting was bound to happen today, I could feel it.

I grabbed my keys and went out to my car.

Pulling out of the drive way, I turned up the music.

The song 'Drag Me Down' started filling up the car.

"I'm really not in the mood to listen to you right now Harry" I mumbled bitterly to myself, before turning down the volume.


After 30 minutes of driving, I went to a small cafe to get some much needed food.

I entered the cafe and let the warm atmosphere welcome me, the smell of coffee and cookies filled my nose as I closed my eyes in satisfaction.

I ordered quickly, considering there was no line.

As I got my coffee I went to the far comfortable and situated myself comfortably on the couch and pulled out my book.

After an hour of reading my book I felt a light tap on my shoulder, snapping me out of the wonderful world of 'Harry Potter'.

I turn over my shoulder to see a familiar blonde staring back at me with a wide smile. Niall.

"I see your coffee has ran out" He chuckled as he handed me a white cup of coffee.

"Thanks" I said in a small voice.

"How was the wedding?" Niall asked trying to make conversation.

"Alright" I shrugged as I took a sip of the coffee, the warm liquid sliding down my throat.

"Just alright?" I quirked his eyebrow.

"Yeah" I huffed out as I placed my book back into my bag.

"Why?" He leaned forward in interest.

"Well the wedding part was amazing, they looked so happy. . ." I trailed off, picking at my nails nervously.

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