Chapter 5

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If you couldn't tell already, I'm going to try and publish a chapter every Tuesday and Thursday! Okay to the chapter!!!

Hannah's POV

I hung up with Mamrie and looked at Ingrid.

"So, do you really want to get to know me?" I laughed.

"Yea! You are already really nice and cute." She smiled.

"Well thanks, but your the cute one here." She smiled even bigger and looked down.

I walked over to her and lifted her head. "What's wrong?" I kept my eyes on her, while her eyes darted between my eyes and my lips.

She backed up. "I can't."

"Why not." I stepped closer making her back up into the counter.

"Because you are dating someone." She looked down.

"Who?" I stepped closer so I could grab her hand.

She quickly pulled away. "Grace."

This time I stepped back. "Grace Helbig?"

"Of course!" She screamed. "She's always flirting with you but she hides it and dates Chester."

"What? I liked Grace but I- I, I like you too." I looked down.

"Really?" I saw her feet come closer to me.

I lifted my head. "Of course! Your amazing, funny, smart, cute, actually not cute, hot! And I don't know what is happening becau-" I was cut off by Ingrid's lips on mine.

I couldn't describe what the kiss what like, passion, care, and a hell of a lot of love. What is happening? As I put my hands on her hips she pushed me back onto the fridge continuing the kiss.

I lead Ingrid to the couch quickly and I got on top of her starting to take off her shirt. When Ingrid's shirt was halfway off I heard the door open. I quickly pushed Ingrid off me and stood up.

Standing there was the one and only Grace Helbig. Tears in her eyes.

I started to walk over to her but she backed up. A tear fell from her face and she turned around and ran out the door. I quickly looked back at Ingrid and ran after Grace. Lucky for Grace I'm small and she runs a lot, but lucky for me I did track in school. So after about a minute of chasing Grace I was in reach.

I dove after her and jumped so she fell to the ground.

"What the hell Hannah!" Grace turned over so her back was on the concrete and I was still on top of her.

"Why are you crying?"

"No reason, it doesn't matter." Grace wiped her face again and tried to get out from under my legs.

"Yes it does."

Does Grace like me? Probably not.
Do I like Grace? Yes but I really like Ingrid.
Ingrid! Shit!

"Grace let's all go and talk about this okay?" I got up and stuck my hand out.

She nodded and took my hand.

We walked back in silence. Once we got there I walked inside and Ingrid was on the couch fully clothed watching tv. I told Grace to sit on the couch and I took Ingrid's hand and pulled her to the kitchen.

She crossed her arms and leaned on the counter away from me. "What do you want Hannah."

"Please don't do th-"

"Don't do what?"

"You know I like you! I have liked you for a long time and you still go back to Grace!" She screamed.

"I didn't know you liked me!" I screamed back.

She came closer and replied in a whisper. "Well now you do, but the question is, are you actually going to do anything about it? Or are you going to run back to your Gracie?"

I took a deep breath and looked out to Grace who was sitting still looking at something tears falling down her face.

I looked back in at Ingrid. "I'll do something." Before she could respond I ran over to her and brought her face to mine. At first she wasn't kissing back, but I was taking action and doing something I could never do with Grace. After a few seconds I pulled away with Ingrid still not kissing back.

I could tell she was amazed. When I was about to give up Ingrid closed the gap between us again and this time both of us were kissing back. I smiled in the kiss and then pulled away. Ingrid was smiling too.

"I'm sorry Hannah." Ingrid said.

"For what?" I giggled.

"Thinking that you still liked Grace."

I just nodded and smiled. "Well now you know a clear answer." I kept the smile on my face and walked out.

Grace wasn't there. The living room was empty. I turned around and looked in the direction Grace was looking.

It was a box that I was going to throw away. It even said throw away on the side. Sticking out was a drawing that a fan sent to me of the kiss at the Streamys and lots of other Hartbig and Hartsquared stuff.

I cursed under my breath and before I could get mad at myself I felt Ingrid's hands wrap around me.

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