What She Found There

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I was running through a meadow. I could feel the sun shining a comforting warmth on my face and hear the sound of grass crunching beneath my feet. Laughter filled the air as I walked hand in hand with a mysterious man. I turned and faced him. Who was he? But when I looked at his face, it seemed like he didn't really have a face at all. His features were vague, I simply couldn't see him properly. We sat down on the grass, taking and laughing like we had not a care in the world.


A scream brought me back to reality. My teacher, Madam Fossard. A ruler slapped onto the table. "Now that I have FINALLY pulled you from your fantasy, I would very much appreciate it if you would kindly list the properties of a proper and ladylike wife." I burped. Madam Fossard's nostrils flared. I mustered all my willpower not to laugh and said, "A wife must listen to her husband, do as he commands and be a loyal and willing slave-" She glared at me, "I mean server." Seeming not too satisfied with my answer, she turned back to the blackboard and picked up a new stick of chalk. "Now as wives, you would need to know how to cook up sumptuous meals for your husband and children..." I groaned inwardly. It was always husband this and husband that. I gazed out the window and returned to the fantasy meadow once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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