Shy versus Bold

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Okay, so my head clipboard is officially full. Full with notes I took to myself these few days. If I try to remember one, I'm afraid I'm just going to lose the rest. It's pretty frustrating because I don't know which one to accomplish first or which one to think over.

For example, I've got the Edmond and Sam mystery. I want to reach the end of it with all I've got, but for that I need to dig deeper than just to observe carefully.

Then there's Edmond's mysterious departing that I'm dying to ask about.

Then there's Edmond's being bullied situation.

And yes I know so far it's all about Edmond. I swear I've got the biggest detective case of a neighbor.

But then there's also Sam's party that I seriously need to give some thought. I don't know if I want to go. I know it's fun and something that every 'high-schooler' wants to do during their high school years; but there's me, and then there's this whole partying-its-butt-off world... and we've never been on the same page before. The most extreme thing I've done in my life is mountain biking and I still believe it's the most awesome, butt-kicking thing one can do. And the closest thing to partying I've been to was in the third grade at a birthday party for fourth-graders, when I felt like the ultimate cool specimen on the planet. I had two chances of attending a party in high school, but both times I was too sick to rise up from bed. It's true that I'm never up to date with the stuff that happens in the 'cool' world, but I'm not sure I want to know. Considering everything that's being said about it...

I've got two choices. Go, embarrass myself and make the ultimate granny-mentality impression, but learn for the future, or not go, stay safe from the trouble and do something that I actually like but live the rest of my life as one that doesn't have any idea about the world she lives in. Now what would you choose if you were in my shoes?

So we've got the latest note added to the clipboard. The Public Entertainment Club Musical Auditions. PECMA for short. I know what you're thinking. Or maybe you're not thinking this at all, but I sure am. Why the craziness after five minutes of talking to complete strangers? Why worry about it at all? Well, to be honest, I'm not completely sure I don't want to enter the Club. I'm not confident at all in my singing skills, it's too sudden, I don't know if I have enough time for club activities, but on the other hand, it would be fun. And I absolutely like the club's people (except for Logan who looks like a dude with problems). I'd be so awesome if we became friends! With Ethan, Sam and Philip as well!

Okay I'm getting a little too hyped up about this, but hey! It's my new-found dream to make friends! You would know what I'm talking about if you were me. It's not easy to be in a completely different culture.

I'm going to have to think about it a little. Who knows, maybe I can find an old song that I used to be able to play at the guitar. But then, who knows if I can pass the auditions? From what I understood, Logan is the one that would pass be, but from what I saw, he's not planning to do so anytime soon. He made it pretty clear that he doesn't like me.

I open the dark coffee-brown front gate of my house in a tired manner. It's been a long day and I couldn't wait to get home. I had a pop quiz at history and I didn't even do my homework, let alone study. It sure was enough to bring dark clouds to my day. I look up at the sky. Literally.

I wipe a shiver off my arm as I climb up on the porch. Mom should be home. I push down the latch, but find the door locked. I sigh and let the backpack slip off my shoulder and on the ground. I search the front pocket for the keys. I guess she went grocery shopping? I take a long time finding them, but when I do, I zip the pocket closed and prepare to unlock, when I hear a whimper.

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