Grading Methods

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Your final score will be out of /50

Creativity- How creative were you on your tribute's life style? What were their reactions? Did you use your imagination?- /10

Grammar- Did you use correct punctuation? Were they placed correctly? When I post them, I don't proofread or edit! - /10

Spelling- How was your spelling? Did you use 'u' instead of 'you' or 'r' instead of 'are'? Were you creative on your word choices?- /10

Descriptions- Did you describe things well? Did you use a variety of adjectives?- /10

Matching- Did your chapter match the descriptions of your fellow tributes'? Did you actually read the others to make sure, instead of assuming? - /5

Punctuality- Was your chapter turned in on time? If not, did you speak with me to arrange a due date, and have a suitable reason? - /5

Your scores before the actual Games begin will depend on your sponsor availability when they do begin. They will also determine who dies at the Bloodbath. After the Games have begun, the lowest score will die. Have fun!

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