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SPOOKYkitty is Enderkitty's spooky name. Be ready to be spooked
Enderkitty was outside trick or treating on Elm street. Yes Elm street #Nightmareonelmstreet and also the street my school is on x2 of the nightmare.
Then she found a house that had Nutella. LIEK THATS WHAT WE NEED FOR HALLOWEEN! QUIT IT WITH CANDY TURN IT WITH NUTELLA! Then she yelled "TRICK OR TREAT!" And rang the doorbell 12 times until a very special person came, it was a rare Pepe it was... PEPE LE BOUF! He took the bowl of Nutella cups and cups, and yelled at her "JUST DO IT! DONT LET YOUR MEMES BE MEMES! JUST GRAB YOUR NUTELLA AND GET ON WITH THE NEXT HOUSE!" Enderkitty was really spooked so she took the Nutella and used her magical powers to turn it into a Nutella pie and threw it at Pepe Le Bouf so he couldn't see her so she could put all of them in her trick or treat bag and left for the next house.
At the next house when she knocked she found herself looking at herself... in 50 years in the future and she got REALLY spooked about it so she stole the Warheads and ran away without saying anything, not to mention she was dressed up as a meme aka DOGE.
Memes are love and shrek is life she remembered as she ran.
She soon found herself back home eating the Nutella then she used her Nutella powers to turn all of her candy into Nutella. Then suddenly she turned into someone...
SPOOKKYKITTYYYYY. She started using her Nutella powers for bad until 2016 to make it true that she was spoopy AF
That's it. Only 313 words. I have a little Pepe instead of a brain. Remember to ask if you want to be turned spooky and I will defenitly add you in!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2015 ⏰

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