so are we friends again?

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Connors POV:
I was super happy that me and brad were a thing now. I just didn't know what to tell James. Or Tristan, for that matter. I decided to talk to Tristan first. He was more understanding.
"Um Tristan..."
"Yeah con, what's wrong?"
"Well you see, me and brad made up. "
"I've noticed."
"Well... Wearealsoathingnow..." I said real fast.
"WHAT????? that's amazing, but what are you going to tell James?"
"I haven't thought about that yet."
"You should soon."
"I know..." I said and sighed.
after my talk with Tristan, I decided to apologize to James.
"Uh hey James, can I talk to you?"
"What do you want?" He said and brushed me off.
"JAMES. wait- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have avoided you. I mean you are my friend. It's just that you shouldn't have gotten so mad at Brad though."
"Well I'm sorry Connor, it's just that I'm so glad we're friends and I don't want anyone to take that away from us."
"So are we friends again now?"
"Yes James."
"Wanna hangout after school?"
"Sure James, see you at lunch!"
James POV:
After my talk with Connor, I couldn't help feeling that something was up. The way he defended Brad... Oh what am I saying? Me and Connor and friends again!!!!
I decided to go apologize to Brad, since Connor made me realize I was being a bitch about it. I walked over to Brad who was at his locker, pretending he didn't see me.
"Okay Brad, listen, I'm sorry I was being a bitch about the whole thing with Connor. I was just having lunch with him."
"I know I know I shouldn't have over reacted. It's just that I wanted to spend more time with him, get to know him better. Ya know?"
"Yes..." I said.
"Well listen, I've got to get to class now." Brad said as he walked off, and I couldn't help feeling something was up with him. And I was going to find out.
Brads POV:
I was grabbing my stuff when I noticed James coming towards me in my peripheral vision. I try to pretend I don't see him but he still comes right up to me.
"Hey I'm sorry for getting mad at you" he explains.
"It's alright" I shrug "I just, you know wanted to get to know Connor too" I don't know why that part came out of my mouth.
"Yeah me too" he nods slightly uncomfortable, and his face expression is one of disappointment.
"What's your game?" I ask furrowing my eye brows. He wanted something and I could tell.
"N-nothing" he looked taken aback. "What do you mean"
"It doesn't matter" I shrug again and walk away.

Tristan's POV:
James had told me he had apologized for to brad and co not apologized to him. That meant we can all have a peaceful relationship now. Except Connor and Brad haven't told James about their thing yet, knew it was going to be hard for them, but it wine hard for me not to tell him.
When I was in class I had the ability to focus on learning but every time the teacher stopped talking or it was break I couldn't help but think about con and Brad.

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