The first day

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First day of school, well not exactly the first day I've been going since 1st grade now I'm in 12th and Austin Mahone is the bad boy that I'm in love with,anyways my name is skylar but you can call me sky, I take off my sheets and get out my comfy bed to go take a quick shower, once I get out the shower I change into my outfit(on top) then I put on my glasses and brush my teeth and go downstairs to get some breakfast and I see my mommy " hey ma " I said, "hey girly" she said," ready for school " " no" "oh come on let's go" , " ok fine"..............................
At school..........
I see my best friend talking to one of Austins best friends which is Alex, so I walk up to them and say hi then Robert and Zach come into the conversation , so I started talking then it got quiet, "why is it so quiet, what happened" then I realized Austin is coming over, so instead of him coming over here Alex, Robert,and Zach go over there but Austin insisted on coming over here

Austin pov : i just came to school late of course and now it's quite, I'm walking towards sky looking at her  outfit, she looked fly as hell, but anyways my crew was walking towards me and I told them to go back because  I'm coming over there but, I saw skylar doing something to them but I still came over and I saw sky blushing because of what her best friend Kalya said to her, then I gave rob, Zach, and Alex a bro hug and just said hi to the girls. Now it's time for class and, me and my boys are just roaming the halls until I saw sky walking to the bathroom I told my boys to stay away for a second or two then I catch up to her and say hi she replied with an hey and it went on from there.

Sky pov
So Austin is in my last period class and it was art and we were assigned a projected but we couldn't pick our partners so everybody's mad but anyways I wonder who's my partner "Kayla and Robert, and ,Austin and skylar" the teacher said, OMGOSH whyy. " hey partner " Austin said, " how you doing partner, my house or your house?" " your house cause of my siblings and parents so yeah see you later. " yeah see you @ my house" Austin said. I hope all goes well 😬.

The first chapter is up guys hope you like my new story

Bye, unicorns 🦄🦄🦄🦄

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