And then there were children

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Today Etihw and Kcalb were traveling the lands for mini angels and demons, with luck and a few days they've stumbled upon some mini Yosaf, Froze, and a few other characters.

Mini Yosafire: -stabbing the ground with a straw-

Ground: D=

Mini Froze: -crying-

Mini Chelan: -also crying-

Mini Etihw: -hugging mini Kcalb-

Mini Kcalb: -blush- >/////< s-stawwp.

Etihw: e_e and then there were children

Kcalb: ....... -mumble- I wish you would hu--

Etihw: EW NO! -slap-

Kcalb: Okay I'm sorry :,( -cries-

Etihw: =_=;;;;

How did I come up with this is the first place?.... TBH idk. I just somehow did wow for me!

CUTE DEMONS AND ANGELS DOING CUTE THINGS {BOOK 1 :3}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora