Sick Day (Imagine)

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You had never taken a sick day, ever.
And you swore to yourself the day you took the job you never would. But today was different, oh yes. And by different you mean waking up to find that you can't breathe out of your nose kind of different.

"What the?!"

Startled, you fall out of bed and land with a thud on the floor.


You push yourself off the floor and stand up, suddenly becoming dizzy. You fall back onto the bed and have a crazy coughing fit.

Wow. Just my kind of morning. 😒

You stumble into the kitchen, coughing and sniffing before throwing up in the sink. Then you realize you forgot about something. Work.

Struggling to get up the stairs without fainting, you make your way to your closet. Before slipping on your work clothes, you stumble and fall on the floor, continuing to cough like you were choking.

I can't go on like this. I'm gonna have, I can't.

You try once more, but all you wanted to do was go lay down. So you wobbled over and plopped on our bed.

Giving in, you pulled out your phone and dialed your boss.

Y: "Hey George."

Boss: "Hey, you're late for work, what's going on?"

Y: "Ahh well...I'm kinda calling in....well....sick."

You said the last words with dread.

Boss: "Alright, well, um feel better I guess!"

With that you hung up. Your face hit the bed as you fell asleep.


You awoke at the sound of your doorbell.

What time is it? How long have I been asleep?

You groaned and stretched as you got up to answer the door. You felt terrible, almost falling down the stairs because you were so weak. As you reached the door, you open it to see Thomas, your co-worker, standing in front of you.

"Hello love!"

"What are you doing here Thomas?" You say half asleep.

"I heard you were taking a sick day, but since you never do that, I came to make sure you were okay." He replied as he hands you a box of tissue and a vase of roses.

"You didn't have to get me these, ya know."

"I know...I just thought it would make you feel better."

You let him inside as you place his gifts on the table. He sits you down on the couch as you begin to say,

"I'm really sorry for my absence of enthusiasm, if it's not obvious I'm definitely not feeling my best."

He smiled as he waltzed back into the kitchen, and you heard pots and pans clashing and drawers opening.

Whatever. Nothing I can do to stop him anyway.

You glance at your reflection on the black t.v. screen. You look like you got hit with a train. You fix your hair into a messy bun, and fall asleep once more.

You awaken to the sweet smell of fresh bread and soup. As you open your eyes, you see a beautiful tray of delicious looking soup and other foods, as well as a beautiful rose. You gasp in surprise at the beautiful spread.

"You're awake. Feeling okay love?"

He always calls me love. What for? I've never really asked him about it,

"I you make this?" You looked up at him.

"Well of course I did, did you hear me making all that noise in the kitchen?" He chuckled at himself.

"Thanks Thomas."

"My pleasure love."

He leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. He started to walk away, but before he could leave the room you called,

"Wait! Thomas, come back."

He walked towards you, confused. You motioned him to sit down. As he sat next to you, you leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Both of you held the kiss for what seemed like forever. When you released, you bent down and began eating your soup. Thomas had turned a deep shade of red and was smiling.

"Hey Thomas?"


"Let's have another sick day...okay?"


You began to cuddle as the sun set outside.


Sick Day (A Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now