Carter Reynolds

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"Mommy me miss dadda." Your 2 year old daughter exclaimed.

I sighed and hugged her little body. "I know baby, I do too. why don't we take a video." I told y/d/n.

I got out your phone and tapped into 'Snapchat'.

"Baby say hi to dadda." I said filming her.

She looked up with a big smile. "Hi dadda me miss you, wuv you." She screamed of joy.

I smiled at the video as it replayed and sent it to Carter.

Carter has been on tour for the past few months and we only get to see him on FaceTime for a few minutes.

I saw that he opened the video and a few seconds later replied.

"Hi baby I love and miss you too. I will see you soon." The video of carter replying to our daughter. I showed her and she squealed of happiness. I'm glad she's happy.

Later that night I got a text from Carter. "I love you so much babe and I be home next week, promise."

Even though it was a short text, it filled my heart with love and reassurance. But until then I will just have to keep missing him like crazy.

Magcon Imagines; Toddler EditionWhere stories live. Discover now